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China, Korea, Japan East Asia from c. 1200 to c. 1450
Confucianism philosophy of ethics and education by [him] and students for sharing humanity love, ancestor worship, parental reverence, and conduct harmony
Han >> Sui >> Tang >> Song Chronology of 4 Chinese dynasties
Confucianism and imperial bureaucracy(traditional methods) Way Song(Chinese dynasty) maintain/justify rule
Han Dynasty(exam) used examinations for recruiting officials: candidates competed in reading Confucian text(local/regional/state)
6th Centry B.C.E Confucius found Confucianism: social harmony(moral example), secular outlook, education importance, family as state(date & person)
6th-3rd Centuries Laozi found Daoism: withdraw to contemplate nature, simple living, no strive(date & person)
6th Century Siddhartha Gautama found Buddhism(in India): suffering form desire/attachment, end suffering with modest/moral living and meditation(date & person)
Confusions present baby Buddha to Laozi(Daoist master): China assimilates major Indian religion and 3 traditions coexist Wang Shugu's painting description
production capacity, trade routes, and consumption(agriculture/manufacturing quality/quality) Song Dynasty flourished >> affected and innovated _ _ _
Dar al-Islam(ex of: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity shaping societies in Africa, Asia, and Europe) House of Islam spread form Middle East/North Africa/ Southwest Europe to East & West Africa/East Europe/North India/Southeast Asia form c. 1200 to c. 1450(expanding commerce and Islam by interlinking Islamic world)
science transfer(along with products/food/ideas) ex. Jewish Scholar translates Illustration form Canon of Medicine to Hebrew at Christian Kings of Sicily Court(from Mediterranean network to state supporting science exchange)
Canon of Medicine(knowledge) popular medical textbook that was carried in pockets to see patients
Caliphate state under ruler with Caliph title(Arabic term: Muhammad prophet successor)
Sultanate territory under ruler with sultan title(Turkish term: ruler with authority)
Empire territory under ruler with emperor title(Latin term: monarch/sovereign ruler of imperial realm)
Abbasid Middle East & North Africa Caliphates influenced by Arabs and Persians in c. 750 to c. 1258(capital: Baghdad)
Delhi North India Sultanate influenced by Turks, Arabs, Persians, and Hindi in c. 1206 to c. 1526(capital: Delhi)
Seljuk Anatolia and Central Asia Empire influenced by Turks, Arabs, and Persians in c. 1037 to c. 1526(capitals: Merv[E] & Hamadan[W])
Turks(Seljuk and Ottoman Empires) dominated new Islamic political entities after Abbasid Caliphate declined
ghulam(innovative method to rule/maintain power) Safavid Empire's impressed soldiers(advance in rank for expanding Islamic rule in Afro-Eurasia)
Seljuk Empire, Mamluk Empire(Egypt), and Delhi Sultanate(All turks) 3 Turkish states that used ghulam
Eurasian steppes nomads origins of Islamic state warfare
technology making/using tool to change environment's natural state
innovation(not instant/spread along trade routes) new or altered idea/method/device that developed independently(region), and in different time periods
innovations(Dar al-Islam) 1st algebra book/medicine Encyclopedia/hospitals/traveling clinics/science(over God)/philosophy/poetry/calligraphy/astronomy/architecture/universities/libraries
transfers(Dar al-Islam) translated Greek/Roman literature(logic/empirical observation) to Arabic/understood math from India/reinvented paper-making form China
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh South Asia from c. 1200 to c. 1450
Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines Southeast Asia from c. 1200 to c. 1450
caste system(unique: karma/reincarnation reinforce social system of gov) Hindu byproduct/you will not go up or down social structure
Buddhism from South Asia's Hinduism >> became popular elsewhere but not South Asia bc Buddhist beliefs fall under Hinduism
South East Asia location Islam becomes popular bc Turkics invasion(less popular in South Asia)
Sufism mixture of religions due to conquest and trade: mystic side of Islam(understand Ala so not just Quran) in South Asia
Hindu(ex. southern Vijayanagar) and Muslim(ex. northern Delhi) types of kingdoms in non-united India
Angkor Cambodia's largest inland state/empire bc high population(million) and trade(multiracial): gov stable bc healthy economy(taxing trade/making money)
organize resources(human, food, natural) and enforce social customs/laws state's 2 roles
religion or keeping economy running(happy/secure >> no revolt) how states continue
human sacrifice Aztec using religion to legitimize gov: show rulers' political/military strength(high-ranking war prisoners)
rode system Inca using economic infrastructure to legitimize gov: facilitate trade(cool stunt keep trade/money circulation/happiness)
geography(Andes Mountains & rainforests) limited Americas state expansion more than Afro-Eurasia(overcoming obstacle shows unification power)
infrastructure, high monuments, spacious yards, big markets, and police 5 ways to show power >> justify gov rule
Ethiopia independent christian kingdom surrounded by Islamic states but separate from Roman Catholic Church for combining ancestor worship, animism, and Christ(ruler ordered local architecture)
Ahsan(trans-regional trade ex) Southern Arabian state trading raw materials/spices/tortoise shells/coconut oil/ivory/gold/slaves in East African coast
coast(gain form Indus River Valley trade) 1st commercial city-state region competing for hegemony/had broad regional perspective/destinies partly determined in distant lands by foreign merchants & rulers/ruled by kings or sultans
Dar al-Islam(trans-regional trade with middle-east) what Africa's regional trade reach out to for cotton, gems(plz explain why description)
economic/interconnection growth management(make the best choices) 2 whys for Sultans advised by councils of princes, elders, and members of ruling household
kinship(groups) & tradition(customs and beliefs) 2 internal factors leading to state formation/expansion/decline
religion(Christ/Islam) & trade(trans-regional) 2 external factors leading to state formation/expansion/decline
Christianity Roman Catholics in west Europe and Eastern Europe in east Europe(Byzantine Empire)
Islam(muslems) Iberian Peninsula(Spain/Portugal) religion appearing in parts of southeast Europe
Judaism religion through Europe(eastern/southeastern/especially al-Andalus) without majority anywhere
Reconquista Roman Catholics states recapture Al-Andalus taken by Muslims for Spain to unite with Portugal
Ottoman Empire destroyed Byzantine's Eastern Orthodox Empire in 1453 southeast Europe
crusades Roman Catholics vs Muslims in Middle East(liberate holy land) & vs Eastern Orthodox/Jews in east Europe
Black Plague caused Christians to blame Jews for population disaster(not Crusades)
Dark Ages(people don't like this term bc other countries are "well") centralized gov forms + Agriculture & trade increased in 1200 + new tech from Asia appears(gunpowder, compass, lateen snails) + urbanization & trade still behind rest of well world + European serfs tied to land
countries form borders centralizing gov product
feudalism how Europeans originally centralized gov to protect resources: Serfs farm land for lords to production while Lords swear allegiance to kings for land and gifts from war
new technologies, farming techniques(efficiency++), Black Death(farmer value++ >> economic rights), & centralized gov Bureaucracies(no need to fight after king dies) 4 reasons feudalism fades
Popeye's(do you shed hair and are you loving.... aws may vary) best fried chicken(build your thesis)
Created by: Kamil_Cheng
Popular Social Studies sets




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