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Specimen /Media Prep


Quality control programs monitor all laboratory activities. These programs are include: Checking actual test performance. Checking supplies and reagents. Monitoring equipment performance and maintenance.
When giving instruction to the patient for an occult blood test, explain that: Retrieving the specimen form the toilet may cause an inaccurate test result. Some foods may cause an inaccurate test result. Large doss of Vitamin C may cause an inaccurate test result.
Laboratory specimens may be analyzed for: Contagious diseases. Chemicals and drugs. Cell types and numbers. Micro-organisms.
The low-power abjective is: Used to scan the field of interest. Usually x 10. Used to find a specific object.
When preparing laboratory specimens for mailing: Tape a warning label on the outside of the package to alert the mail service of the contents. Insert wrapped liquid containers into unbreakable tubes and cap them. Tape the lids shut so that they connot break open. Place the tubes in a heavy plastic bag.
Pathogenic bacteria attact the body by: Releasing endotoxins. Secreting the toxins.
Bacteria can be identified by their: Morphology. Ability to retain dyes. Groqth in different environments. Chemical reactions.
Selective media: Inhibits the growth of certain microorganisms. Indicates acid fermentation by microorganisms. Enhances the growth of certain microorganisms.
When collecting specimens for C&S: Transport must be ASAP. Sterile collection techniques need to be maintained.
Common transport media include: Amies. Carey - Blair.
when collecting urine for a C&S: It must be a midstream urine. It must be in a sterile container.
Pathogenic bacteria are transmitted from infected persons to healthy persons through direct contact with: Inanimate objects. Animals and insects. Food and water. Microorganisms.
Pathogens resistantive to antibiotics: Fungi. Viruses.
Examples of selective media include: Eosin-methylene blue (EMB). thayer-Martin. MacConkey.
The most frequently collected laboratory specimens are: Blood, urine, swabs for culture.
The objective seen on most microscopes are: X 10, X 40, X 100
To ensure correct specimen collection and handling, you must: Check the expiration dates before using swabs, tubes, and transport media.
If the laboratory report is returned with the phrase "insufficient sample" you need to : Check with the physician to determine the steps to take.
A rod shaped microorganism that stains red on Gram staining is described as: Gram-negative bacillus.
"Group A beta-hemolytic streptococci" is capable of causing severe complications including: Scarlet fever
A characteristic of anaerobic bacteria is that they: Grow best in absence of oxygen.
Urinary tract infections can be determined using: Pour plates
Observations of sputum specimens may include all the folowing: Asbestos fibers. Blood. White flecks.
If 200 ml of media were to be prepared for autoclaving, what volume container should you choose? 500 ml
Heat labile reagents must: Be slowly warmed to 37degrees celsius.
A clear and colorless watery fluid describes: Cerebral-spinal fluid.
In case of continuous bacteremia: Time of specimen collection is not a factor.
Tissues received in the lab may be: Directed to microbiology. Fixed and microtome sectioned. Ground and streaked out.
Semen analysis involves: History of sexual frequency.
MacConkey media is considered to be: Differential
Specimens which are submitted with a requisition on which the identifying information does not exactly match are defined as being: Mismatched specimens. Tested and reported with a disclaimer.
If Pap smears are received unlabeled: All material is sent back to the physician.
O & P collection involves: Cary and Blair media.
Incubation of freshly prepared media for a week is a component of : Sterility control of media.
Indicator used in media preparation include: Autoclave tape.
Skin scrapings are set up in microbiology to identify: Mycology organisms.
The scorching heat that occurs in heating media results in : Carmelization
In setting up a throat swap: You swab plates and slides.
An essential part of all specimen collection procedures is: Handwashing
Lowenstein Jensen media is suitable for isolation of: Mycobacteria
Mueller-Hinton agar is used: To isolate Neisseria species.
Filters are available with all the following specifications except: All guarantee sterility of final product.
When prepared, media pH should: Match the pH stated on the product label.
Basic ingredients of all media include: Agar, distilled water, electrolytes.
With regards to a tube media: Screw caps shold be used.
The most commonly added enrichment is : Fresh human blood.
To confirm the quality of prepared media: Biochemical tests are run with known.
Deep wound swabs should be set up: Both aerobically and anaerobically.
A stool sample is received without a requistion: Set it aside for troubleshooting ASAP.
In collecting patient samples directly, the following is NOT essential? Providing full explanation of procedures.
FOB stands for: Fecal occult blood.
Macroscopic and microscopic examination of specimens: should complement each other.
Created by: nugentbarbara
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