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Module 13

Lessons 4,5,6,7

Module 13 Lesson 4: What was the pacific northwestern native americans most important and most valuable resource? Their sea had been the most valuable resource because it had allowed them to hunt whales in large canoes and gather other food sources in the forests along the coast
Why were the southeastern native americans known as mound builders? They were known as mound builders because they had built mounds of earth used for burials rituals that usually contained cooper or stone artwork
What is the potlatch? The potlatch is a ceremonial feast used to display rank and prosperity in some northwest coast tribes of native americans. In this ceremony they gave food, drink and gifts to their communities
Why did the people of the southwest begin to farm? Because of the dry, desert lands of the southwest and the land had made these people begin to farm. The climate during this time period had also been the reason for competition of land and conflicts arising
What is the iroquois? A group of tribes speaking related languages living in the eastern great lakes region
Module 13 Lesson 5: Why did the mayans do human sacrifices? The mayans had needed to please their gods
What are the three reasons for why the civilization came to an end? Droughts, warfare, and overpopulation
What did the maya city states trade? Items such as salt, flint, feathers, shells, and honey. They also traded craft goods like cotton textiles and jade ornaments
Why did many farming methods become a big part of these civilizations? Many farming methods had been successful and that then led to the accumulation of wealth and the development of social classes
Who was at the top of this class structure? The maya king had sat at the top of the class structure. He has been regarded as a holy figure, and his position was hereditary
Module 13 Lesson 6: What is the valley of mexico? A mountain valley more than a mile above sea level
What had the first major civilization of central mexico? The first major civilization of central mexico was teotihuacan. This had been because villagers at this site began to plan and obstruct a monumental city, even larger than monte alban, in oaxaca
What is the triple alliance? An association of the city-states of tenochtitlan, texcoco, and tlacopan, which led to the formation of the aztec empire. 2. a military alliance between germany, austria-hungary, and italy in the years preceding world war I
What was the great temple? It had been the main structure in the complex, and this giant pyramid had twin temples at the top, one dedicated to the sun god and the other to the rain god, served as the center of aztec religious life
Who were sacrificial victims for the human sacrifices? Enslaved persons, criminals, and people offered as a tribute by conquered provinces
Module 13 Lesson 7: Who was pachacuti? He was the inca leader from 1438 to 1471; with the help of his son, topa inca, he extended the incan empire through the use of military force and political alliances
What was mita? Mita was in the inca empire, the requirement that all able-bodied subjects work for the state a certain number of days each day
What was quipu? It was an arrangement of knotted strings on a cord, used by the inca to record numerical information
Did the aztecs or incas worship more gods and why? The aztecs worshipped more gods because the incas focused on key nature spirits such as the moon, the stars, and thunder
Why did a bitter civil war follow? Atahualpa laid claim to the whole of the empire which is why a bitter civil war had followed
Created by: alexis.morris
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