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Latin America Review

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Plateau a flat area that rises above surrounding land
Isthmus a narrow strip of land that connects two larger areas
Coral a kind of sea life (forms coral reefs)
Pampas treeless grassland of Argentina and Uruguay
Tributary a small river that flows into a larger river
El Nino Climate along Pacific coast of South America becomes warmer and wetter
Andes mountain range in South America (along Chile and Ecuador)
Atacama Desert desert in Peru and Chile; very little rainfall
Patagonia Argentina desert in shadow of Andes Mountains
Amazon River large river through Brazil
Amazon Rainforest rainforest in Brazil that is home to much of the plants and animals in the world
Hydroelectricity electric power created by flowing water
Diversify many distinct different parts
Maize grain (also known as corn) first domesticated in Mexico
Hieroglyphics writing using pictures and symbols
Aqueduct an artificial channel for conveying water, typically in the form of a bridge across a valley or other gap
Treaty of Tordesillas agreement between Spain and Portugal to decide who would conquer what land. The Pope decided that Portugal could claim land east of a certain line, and Spain could claim land to the west. This is why Brazil is Portuguese, and everywhere else is Spanish
Line of Demarcation line that divided where Spain and Portugal could claim land in South America. Spain had all new land to the west of the line, and Portugal has all new land to the east.
Conquistador a Spanish explorer of the early Americas
Mestizo mixed race of Spanish and Native American
Hacienda a large estate
Encomienda the Spanish system of enslaving Native Americans and making them practice Christianity
Criollo a person from Spanish South of Central America, especially one of pure Spanish decent
Columbian Exchange the transfer of plants, animals, and people between Europe, Asia, and Africa on one side and the Americas on the other
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
Indigenous people who are believed to be the first people to settle an area
Pizarro Spanish conquistador who conquered the Inca empire; beginning of European colonization in South America
treaty an agreement in writing made between 2 or more countries
revolution a political movement in which people over-throw the existing gov & set up another
guerilla a person who takes part in irregular warfare as a member of an independent group
invest to spend money to earn money
injustice lack of fairness
subsistence farmer one who grows jest enough food to support their family
Deforestation is the clearing of earth's forests on a massive scale
indigenous originating in a certain place
squatter a person who settles on someone else's land without permission.
colony a territory ruled by another nation usually far away
vertical climate where the climate changes according to the mountain's height
favela a slum community in a Brazilian city
Atacama Desert
Caribbean Sea and Region of islands
Hacienda Spanish plantation
Viruela Small Pox
urbanization growing cities
Peninsulares Spanish born settlers
3 regions of Latin America Mexico, The Caribbean, and South America
Why are the bodies of water so valuable to the people of Latin America? provides drinking water to people and animals, it helps with biodiversity, water crops on farms, hold habitat for animals, and hold transportation routes for humans
Central America and Mexico climate tropical with distant rainy and dry seasons
Caribbean climate tropical with high humidity and year-round precipitation
South America climate Hot and humid near the Amazon basin, dry and desert-like conditions from northern Chile, rainy and cool near Andes mountains. This region has a variety of climates.
Elevation The higher the elevation is, like on mountains, the colder it gets. The closer the elevation is to the sea level the warmer it is.
Latitude The closer you go to the equator the hotter it’s going to get. When you move away from the equator it gets cooler.
Maya Geography - Started to build great cities in southern Mexico and Central America - Began shaping the Yucatan Peninsula - Villages were spread through lowland valleys and highland mountains
Maya Religion - Were polytheistic - Held sacrifices to prevent upsetting the gods since they believed that the gods desire blood - Pacal was a priest king that held the sacrifices
Maya Achievements - Developed a writing system called Hieroglyphs - Build many palaces and pyramids - Created a 365-day calander used for religious events - Created binary math or the zero symbol
Aztec Geography - Settled along the valley of mexico
Aztec Religion - Were polytheistic - People believed that their kings could intercede with the gods - Killed captives from territorial coquest to donate their blood to the gods - sacrifices were held in the center of a temple
Aztec Achievements - Moctezum I finished building a double aqueduct system and a levee which supplied fresh water for crops and people - laws were written to maitian order with rules of how to behave - developed the canoe
Inca Geography - Located among the Andes mountains - At it’s highest peak, the Inca emperor spread 300,000 square miles
Inca Religion - Were polytheistic - Gods were worshiped by sing pray, & sacrifice - Human sacrifices were done in the Coricancha - Dead rulers only passed their powers to their sons but their earthly possession was divided among his panacea or other male relatives
Inca Achievements - Had many networks of road - Way stations were invented for travelers that stood in every mile in order to make traveling faster - Terraces is where steep slopes were carved into flat land for farming
Christopher Columbus Traveled across the Atlantic Ocean to the Caribbean. He opened new ways for widespread European exploration and colonization.
Francisco Pizarro Was the conquistador who conquered the Inca in 1532
Hernan Cortes was the conquistador who conquered the Aztecs in 1519
Advantages of Europeans - Guns, Germs, and Steal - Advanced fighting tactics
How did Spain and Portugal split Latin America? With the Treaty of Tordesillas. Pope Alexander VI created an imaginary line called the "Line of Demarcation". Span gets the land to the west and Portugal the land to the east.
Colombian Exchange the transfer of plants, animals, and diseases between the Americas and Europe, Asia, and Africa. It changed the world because new animals and crops were introduced to the countries and it made trading easier for everyone.
Mexico's Independence Miguel Hidalgo started a rebellion and when he was killed by the Spanish, many people joined the cause. This weakened the Spanish. In 1821 Mexico got it's indepndence.
Brazil's Independence After the King returned to Portugal, his son Dom Pedro stayed behind in Brazil. He sent his father a letter in 1822 declaring Brazil's freedom. 3 years later, Portugal quietly admitted Brazil's freedom.
Social impact on colonization - Mixed marriages between Europeans and indigenous people -Diseases wiped out millions of indigenous people -Many cultures and holidays that were practiced were gone since lots of indigenous people were killed
Economic impact on colonization - Latin American countries traded with their trading partners - Some countries had no idea what to do after the Europeans left and went down in poverty
Political impact on colonization - Had a military government which killed lots - Many learned to be independent after they were an independent country
Why are people moving to cities? In search of better jobs, places to live, and in search of food
What are some difficulties that people face when they arrive in the cities? No place to go, many starve, and bad education.
Mexico Culture - The Mexican culture celebrates the folk arts that reflect native traditions - Mexicans in the 1900s grew on native traditions & painted impressive murals that celebrated history and people Mexican culture is a blend of the natives and the Spanish
Mexico Economy - Textile & clothing industries, heavy manufacturing, producing iron & steal, and maquiladoras - Subsistence farming is a type of farming where farmers only focus on their families so they grow only enough food for themselves
maquiladoras Maquiladoras are factories where one product is made from parts made elsewhere.
Brazil Culture - Many people had multiethnic ancestry because there were many marriages between people of different ethnic groups - Celebrate holidays such as the Carnival which is a four-day long holiday
Brazil Economy - Lots of Poverty - Brazil is the world's seventh-largest economy - Mining, manufacturing, and agriculture produce great wealth
Brazil education If children get a better education then they will get a good job which gets them a good income which gives them a good life
Created by: user-1682270
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