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Global 10 Review

Review for the Regents Exam

Mughal Empire Muslim Empire that ruled India during the arrival of the British East India Company and granted them privileges to do business
Tokugawa Shogunate Feudal rulers of Japan that went into seclusion in the 1600s and fell behind technologically. During their rule, if you left Japan and returned, you would be killed!
Alternate Attendance Policy Required the daimyos (lords) of Japan to live in the capital of Edo every other year to increase the power of the Shogun
Versailles The Bourbon Family of France lived in this extravagant palace outside of Paris
King Louis XIV (14th) This absolute monarch required the nobles to live with him in the palace of Versailles to increase his power ("Gilded Cage")
Jean -Jacques Rousseau Wrote The Social Contract, arguing that people follow the rules of government in exchange for protections of their rights
Voltaire Enlightenment thinker that argued for the freedom of speech, religion and press
Mary Wollstonecraft Enlightenment thinker that argued women should be right to an education
William Wilberforce Enlightenment thinker that argued against the slave trade in England
Catherine the Great Russian empress and considered an enlightened despot for embracing some ideas like education for women
American Revolution Caused the first nation in the New World to gain their independence and inspired the French and Latin Revolutions
King Louis XVI (16th) Although he claimed divine right, he was overthrown in the French Revolution and beheaded along with his wife, Marie Antoinette
Robespierre Jacobin radical who ruled France and led the Reign of Terror until his beheading
Napoleon Conquered much of Europe, hated England, made a law code, crowned himself emperor and failed to invade Russia
Olympe de Gouge Wrote "The Declaration of the Rights of Women" arguing women should have rights like the men who wrote "The Declaration of the Rights of Man"
The National Assembly The Third Estate of France named themselves this and vowed to continue to meet until they had a constitution in the Tennis Court Oath
Leader of the Haitian Revolution Toussaint L'Ouverture
Unification of Italy Cavour, Garibaldi and Mazzini led this nationalist movement
Unification of Germany Otto von Bismarck led this movement in Germany arguing for "blood and iron" and realpoltik
Agrarian Revolution The Enclosure Movement, seed drill, potatoes and turnips, fertilizers are causes of this turning point that led to rapid urbanization
Industrial Revolution Began in Great Britain due to coal, iron, navigable rivers, protection of private property and surge in population
Steam Engine Most important invention of the Industrial Revolution that revolutionized the way things are made and transported
Capitalism Adam Smith advocated for this economic system that prioritizes private property, supply & demand and free market competition
Karl Marx Wrote "The Communist Manifesto" predicting a workers revolution to address the problems of Industrial laborers. His work led to the rise of unions.
Potato Famine The Irish faced this time period where there wasn't enough to eat because the British took most of their grain and a disease infested their main food source.
Matthew Perry His arrival to Japan from the United States led to the Treaty of Kanagawa which forced Japan to open their trade to America
Meiji Era During this time of rapid modernization, Japan transformed from a feudal society to the most powerful nation in Asia
Russo-Japanese War Conflict between Japan and Russia that proved Japanese military capabilities and that Russia was weak at the turn of the 20th century
Russian Revolution Czar Nicholas II was overthrown in this major turning point after failing to protect this soldiers in World War I and ensure food and rights for his people
Vladimir Lenin Leader of the Russian Revolution, Bolshevik communist, promised "Peace, Land, Bread"
New Economic Policy Lenin allowed for some small scale privatization to improve the economy after years of war in Russia during this program
Joseph Stalin Transformed the USSR into a superpower after his 5 year plan, collectivization and Great Purges to eliminate potential rivals
Holodomor The forced famine designed by Stalin to eliminate the kulaks or wealthy Ukrainian farmers after they resisted surrendering their private property (collectivization)
World War I Began in 1914, causes were militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism
Berlin Conference Meeting held in Germany to discuss European nations' conquest of Africa
The Zulu Kingdom Shaka Zulu led resistance against the Dutch farmers and British settlers in South Africa
King Leopold II Belgian king that is responsible for the deaths of 10 million Congolese from the rubber trade
The Opium War The Treaty of Nanking ended this conflict between the Chinese and British governments and gave England Hong Kong
Spheres of Influence After the Opium War, more foreigners set up these areas of trade and they enjoyed extraterritorial rights
The Boxer Rebellion Anti-foreign rebellion in China (1900) supported by Empress Dowager Cixi
Sepoy Mutiny Soldiers working for the British East India Company that rebelled and lost which led to the British Raj
Extraterritorial Rights During the age of imperialism, many treaties granted Europeans this - the ability to abide by their own laws instead of local laws in the areas they imperialized
The Treaty of Versailles Ended WWI, forced Germany to pay large reparations, limit their military and surrender colonies to become mandates, helped lead to WWII
Mandate System The French and British controlled territories given up by the losing Central Powers of WWI as outlined by the League of Nations
The League of Nations Founded after WWI in order to preserve peace but weak without the participation of the United States
Nationalism Contributes to unity as well as division within or between nations
Trench Warfare Fighting between the Central and Allied Powers during WWI because of the machine gun and poison gas that made the war a defensive war that was mostly a stalemate
Armenian Genocide Genocide caused by the Ottoman Turks against the Christians living in their empire in Armenia
Imperialism Industrialization, the quest for natural resources, markets and labor led to this competition for colonies worldwide
French Revolution High cost of bread, over taxation, the Enlightenment, Inequality, Absolutism are causes of this event
Created by: sarral
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