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Regents Review

Review Book Mixed Review

What did the Magna Carta enforce? It gave English nobles the right to a fair trial and regulated taxes.
What was stated in the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut? It allowed Connecticut to rule itself and reflect the citizens rights.
what was the French and Indian War? A war between Britain and France because France was expanding with Native Americans joining either side.
What was the Treaty of Paris (1763)? It ended the French and Indian War, France surrendering.
What happened during the Boston Massacre? The colonists threw snowballs as a group of British soldiers and in response the soldiers fired and the colonists.
What was the First Continental Congress? Colonist representatives sent a petition to Parliament petitioning against taxation w/o representation.
What was the first set of written laws in America? Mayflower Compact
What happened during Shay's Rebellion? Poor, indebted farmers were being sent to jail because the could not pay their taxes due to low crop prices. In response, they banned together against the state courts who were going to seize their land.
What was compromised in the Great Compromise? How states should be represented in government, population based or equal.
What was established in case Marbury v. Madison? Gave the Supreme Court the right to overturn a law or judicial review. Federal> State
What was the main cause for sectionalism in the early 19th century? Slavery and where is should be allowed. The south favored slavery because they were needed on plantations.
What sparked the start of the Civil War? Lincoln won the 1860 election and several southern states seceded from the Union, forming the Confederacy because they feared Lincoln would ban slavery.
What did the Emancipation Proclamation establish? It banned slavery in the southern states but since most had left the union it had little effect on slavery.
What happened during the War of 1812? Britain was wrongly seizing US ships and sailors so the US declared war. In retaliation, Britain seized the Washington DC and burned down the White House.
What was stated in the Monroe Doctrine? It claimed that the US had no desired to colonize and warned Europeans to not look to colonize in the western hemisphere.
What did president Jackson don for the democracy? He, coming from a humble background himself, encouraged "common men" to vote, eliminated the property requirement, and implemented the spoils system.
What was the reaction to the Indian Removal Act? When the Native Americans heard that they were required to move out of the land west of the Mississippi they went to court (Worcester v. Georgia). While they did win the case, Jackson ignored this and ran them out of their homes and on the Trail of Tears.
What were the Alien and Sedition Acts? They were an attempt to ban hateful writing against the government. Some states ruled these acts unconstitutional.
What was stated in Lincoln's Gettysburg Address? He stated the he wanted to preserve the Union and shifted the goal of the war to abolish slavery which it was NOT about initially.
What was sharecropping and how did it limit the freedom of freed slaves? Since many former slaves were broke they went back to plantation owners and tended to a plot of land and were required to give the owners a portion of their crops. This made it so many former slaves had no choice but to go back to the plantation.
What compromise was made during the Election of 1876? Neither the Democratic candidate, Samuel Tilden, or the Republican candidate, Rutherford Hayes, got enough votes so they agreed Hayes could be president as long as he ended reconstruction, as wanted by the Democrats.
What was established by the Civil Rights Act of 1875? It forbid African Americans in many public spaces but was later ruled unconstitutional and instead legalized segregation.
What did the Homestead Act of 1862 establish? It encouraged western settlement by issuing cheap land that could be owned after 5 years of residency.
What was the Bessemer Process? It made steel easier to produce increasing its profitability.
What did Wabash v Illinois establish? It prohibited railroad companies from charging unequal rates because they did not have the right to regulate interstate travel.
Where did old immigrants come from? They came from Northern Europe, mostly Irish and Germans, escaping from famine.
Where did new immigrants come from? They came from Southern and Eastern-Poland, Italy, Greece. Most were poor and settled in ghettos.
What groups arose to aid farmers and why? Due to deflation many farmers were struggling to make a profit and their land was being seized by the government. Some groups to aid these farmers include the Grange and the Populist Party.
What were some proposals of the Populist Party? Unlimited coinage of silver, secret ballot, restricted immigration, graduated income tax (rich taxed more), and a shorter work day.
What were some labor unions that arose? The Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor.
What was the Progressive Movement/the Progressives? Mostly middle class citizens sought to eliminate the corrupt practices of Big Business and political machines.
What was the 16th amendment? Allowed congress to tax wealthy people more than the middle and lower class.
What was the 17th amendment? Changed the way Senators were elected.
What was the 18th amendment? Prohibition.
What was the 19th amendment? It gave women the right to vote.
What was the USS Maine and why is it remembered? The ship was sunk and directly led to the declaration of war against Spain.
What was the Treaty of Paris (1898)? It ended the Spanish-American War.
How did WW1 end? Opposing their former policy of neutrality, the US won the war and President Wilson sought to implement his 14 Points. With this, the Treaty of Versailles was written up placing the blame and debt on Germany.
What was the main components of Wilson's 14 Points? Freedom of the seas, reduced armaments, removal of trade barriers, no more secret treaties, and the League of Nations(which the US did not join).
What were of events that led to WW1? The sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman telegram.
Why did the Zimmerman telegraph anger Americans? A message meant for Mexico, Germany promised to give them back the land lost during the Mexican-American War if they join the war on their side.
What was the Great Migration? It was the movement of African Americans from the south to the north in hopes of jobs and a better life.
What was established in Schenck v. US After Schenck was arrested for encouraging men to not enter the draft we went to court claiming he had freedom of speech. The Supreme Court ruled that there are limits to freedom of speech, especially during wartime. Idea of a clear and present danger.
What did Roosevelt's New Deal provide? Relief, recovery, and reform.
What relief measures were provided by the New Deal? A variety of acts were implemented to create more jobs, establish public work projects, and even some emergency relief funds.
What recovery measures were provided by the New Deal? Acts were put in place to interfere with businesses, regulating them. These acts were later found unconstitutional and repealed.
What reform measures were provided by the New Deal? The FDIC insured bank deposits, the Social Security Act provided workers with insurance and pensions, and legalized the creation of labor unions.
What did the Truman Doctrine declare? It claimed that the US would support/fight alongside any country against communism.
What did the Marshall Plan do? It funded countries with struggling economies after WW2.
Created by: MadisonFoleyReis
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