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Module 13 Lesson 4-7

People and Empires in the Americas

How did the hunter-gatherers move from Asia to North America. (Lesson 4) The Bering Strait, Land Bridge
What was a ceremony in which wealthy families could show their rank and prosperity by giving food, drink, and gifts to the community called? (Lesson 4) A ceremony called potlatch was performed occasionally.
What people irrigate their crops, developed pottery, and baskets from contact with the Mesoamerican people to the south? (Lesson 4) The Hohokam people.
What group built houses in the shallow caves that broke up the rocky walls of deep canyons in the region? (Lesson 4) The Anasazi.
Pueblos, which were villages with large, apartment-style groupings made were made of? (Lesson 4) Stone and Clay baked in the sun.
What time period did the Mayan Civilization exist? (Lesson 5) 250 and 950 A.D.
What were some items that were traded between cities? (Lesson 5) Some trade goods were salt, flint, feathers, shells, cotton, cloth, objects made of jade, Cacao beans to make chocolate, and foods such as maize, beans, and squash.
Who was on top of the Social Class Structure? (Lesson 5) It was made up of the best warriors and priests.
What did the Maya religion lead to the development of? (Lesson 5) Mathematics, calendars, and astronomy.
When was The Mysterious Maya Decline? (Lesson 5) In the late 800’s A.D.
When did Aztecs join an alliance with two other city-states to form the Triple Alliance? (Lesson 6) In 1428 Aztec joined the Triple Alliance.
Who was at the top of the Social Class Structure? (Lesson 6) The Emperor.
How many people were in Teotihuacan during its peak? (Lesson 6) This city had between 150,000 and 200,000 people at its peak in the sixth century.
When were the Toltecs losing control of the region? (Lesson 6) Around 1200 A.D.
What were some of the Aztec Achievements? (Lesson 6) The calendar, Architecture/engineering, Astronomy, Mathematics, Trade networks(Triple Alliance), Military, Development of Causeways and a city on a lake, and Writing system.
When did The Inca civilization develop? (Lesson 7) 1200's AD.
How long did Inca rule for? (Lesson 7) Over 200 years.
What was the city in the sky called? (Lesson 7) Machu Picchu.
What was their common language called? (Lesson 7) It was called Quechua.
What did Inca never develop? (Lesson 7) They never developed a writing system.
Created by: 27dsantaite
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