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Civil War Causes

Missouri enters USA as a slave state in... Missouri Compromise 1820
Maine enters USA as a free state in... Missouri Compromise 1820
36-30 line to determine slavery in the rest of the Louisiana Territory in... Missouri Compromise 1820
popular sovereignty used to decide slavery in the Mexican Cession in... Compromise of 1850
fugitive (runaway) slave laws tougher in... Compromise of 1850
abolished slave trade in D.C. in... Compromise of 1850
California enters as a free state in... Compromise of 1850
Texas public debt paid by USA in... Compromise of 1850
remaining Louisiana Territory will be divided into Kansas & Nebraska in... Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854
popular sovereignty used to decide slavery in Kansas & Nebraska in... Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854
Henry Clay was the author of... Missouri Compromise 1820 & Compromise Of 1850
Stephen Douglas was the author of... Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854
the compromise(s) that occurred in Louisiana territory were... Missouri Compromise of 1820 & Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854
the compromise(s) that occurred in Mexican Cession were... Compromise of 1850
way Missouri Compromise 1820 divided America slavery issue returns
way Compromise of 1850 divided America imbalance in senate & freedom
way Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 divided America pro & anti slavery citizens are racing to populate area & win majority
the compromise(s) that dealt with slavery in the West were... Missouri Compromise 1820, Compromise of 1850, & Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854
the crop grown in states where over 50% of their population were slaves was... cotton
according to the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, if slaves escape to another state, they were... not free and would be delivered back to their owner and perform labor
The People In Charge Of Enforcing The Fugitive Slave Act Are... all marshals & deputy marshals
If A Slave Were To Run Across State Lines, Their Owners Could... show the case to the jury
Slave Treatment In Court not treated like citizens & could not testify
Citizens Who Refused To Enforce The FSA were... fined up to $1000 & imprisoned for up to 6 months
Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 impact made slave laws tougher by establishing punishments for slaves & abolistionists
Slave Owner's Reaction To FSA satisfied, less people helping runway slaves
Northern Abolitionists' Reaction To FSA angry, more risky to help slaves
Slaves or Freedman's Reaction To FSA upset, not as much help from others to escape
Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin" to expose the truth about slavery in response to the new FSA
Popular Sovereignty the territories would decide for themselves whether they were free or slave
Impact Of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" the story told about Tom and how horribly he was treated led more northerners to support ending slavery
To Make Sure Their Side Won The vote In Kansas, Abolitionists And Pro-Slavery Americans... raced to populate Kansas
Kansas Territory Slavery Results pro-slavery vote wins, 3000+ more men vote then live in KS, Border Ruffians vote illegally, Kansas becomes slave state
Bleeding Kansas Civil War erupts in Kansas, harsh pro-slavery laws passed, abolitionists set up free-state gov't in Lawrence KS
Dred Scott Freedom Argument free man, lived in free state & territory
South's Argument Against Freedom (Dred Scott Comeback) Scott couldn't bring his case to court & many anti-slavery statuses are unconstitutional
Dred Scott Final Ruling Supreme Court upheld slavery, contributing to conflicy between the North & South
Brooks-Sumner Affair Congressman Brooks (pro-slavery) violently beat and seriously injured Senator Charles Sumner (abolitionist)
Pottawatomie Creek Massacre on May 24 1856, John Brown & 4 sons murder 5 pro-slavery men with cutlasses
Pottawatomie Creek Massacre Significance launches Civil War In Kansas
Birth Of Republican Party Northern Whigs, Northern Democrats, Free-Soldiers, Know-Nothings, & Other Opponents Of The Kansas-Nebraska Act
Republican Party Beliefs opposed slavery in any new territories, against increased immigration to America, against the spread of slavery into the West
Lincoln Douglas Debates Douglas accused Lincoln of being an abolitionist while Lincoln accused Douglas of wanting to nationalize slavery
Abraham Lincoln's Stance In Debate Republican, anti-slavery, house divided, no dividing union, slavery a social class issue, wins nature recognition
Stephen Douglas' Stance In Debate Democrat, pro-slavery, freeport doctrine, union could be split, slavery a political issue, wins senate seat
John Brown in Kansas led a guerilla band against pro-slavers in Kansas
John Brown's Raid In Harpers Ferry, VA armed local slaves and had them invade Harpers Ferry to take over the federal armory, arsenal, and rifle factory
Why Breckinridge Run For President Stephen Douglas was too on-the-fence and democrats wanted to ensure protection of slavery
Election Of 1860 Candidates & Parties Abraham Lincoln (Republican), John Bell (Constitutional Union), Stephen Douglas (Democrat), John Breckinridge (Southern Democrat)
Winner Of Election Of 1860 Abraham Lincoln
Southern States Secession after Lincoln won the election, deep Southern states declared to leave the union
Lincoln's Three Alternatives 1) compromise with south & bring them back 2) concede in theory & accept secession 3) attack confederate states & force them to return
Crittenden Compromise Terms restore Missouri Compromise & no Congressional interference with slavery in capital
Lincoln Response To Crittenden Compromise he refused to accept the compromise because it would expand slavery into the South West
Border Ruffians pro-slavery forces
Jay Hawkers anti-slavery forces
Personal Liberty Laws in free states, they protected African-Americans from kidnapping and being claimed as fugitive slaves (false arrest)
John Brown Charges tried for treason in VA, hung of December 2nd 1859
Ft. Sumter Lincoln wanted to send ships to Ft. Sumter, but Southerners wanted to prevent any supplies from reaching, causing firing
Lincoln's First Inaugural Address blamed South for war between sides, declaring his opposition against dividing the union
According To Google, The 11 Confederate States Were... Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia
The First State To Secede The Union Was... South Carolina
Created by: abievans
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