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Africana Exam 2

call and response talks about the give and take between audience and either a pastor or a performer
jihad protection of the faith, inner struggle to do good
black belt pushing black people into specific areas where they can live during the great migration, ‘ghettos’
redlining ways to restrict where black people could live, property values were less and had less resources
block-busting pressure on white families to leave areas black people were moving in to
sundown towns risk to be in certain towns after the sun went down, could be harassed or lynched
NAACP national association for the advancement of colored people
greenbook guide to know safe towns, where to travel, where it was safe to stay and get something to eat
COIN-telpro FBI behind it, primarily going after black organizations and black leaders
politics the art and process of gaining, maintaining and using the power to create and sustain a just and good society and world
power the capacity to act and achieve, despite the opposition from others
influence the ability to affect change
state the totality of institutes which facilitate governance and in some social control
party a political structure specifically designed to seize control or effectively participate in state power
nyamakala an artisan/tradesman in West Africa, griot
nyama a powerful force/energy released when the nyamakala performs
naamu-sayer often accompanies the band by singing affirmations to the bards words, acts as a representation of the voices the listener
folk talk entertaining stories with moral messages, usually for children
black arts movement associated with the black power movement, artistic end of the black power movement
mammy fat, maternal figure, loved the white kids of the family they took care of
coon dumb, slow, lazy black men
uncle tom very faithful to the white family they served, butler, male version of the mammy
black buck dangerous black men, over sexualized
jezebel loose, promiscuous black women, over sexualized
tragic mulatto in film a black person trying to pass as white, fear of being found out
pickaninny dirty, wild black kids
sapphire angry black women
social dance form of dance that makes you part of a group, had steps everyone knows, all about forming community
gospel music that is all about praise and thankfulness, upbeat and happy
Richard Allen founded the first independent black denomination, AME church
Martin Luther king Jr.(agreeable)/Malcom X(radical) goal was the same, opposite on the way things should be handled
Elijah Muhammad leader of the nation of Islam, recruited Malcom X
Louis Farrakhan current leader of the nation of Islam
Booker T. Washington segregation, vocational jobs to have own business, favorite among white America
W.E.B. DuBois integration, believed in the connection between black people no matter where they are, first African American to get pHd from Harvard
Carter G. Woodson integration, founder of black history month
Marcus Garvey separation, pack up and go back to Africa, built a shipping company to carry out, considered most radical
Claudette Colvin refused to give up bus seat before Rosa Parks, was a teenager and became pregnant
Fannie Lou Hammer spoke at democratic national convention, right to vote
Diane Nash freedom riders, SNCC
Dorothy Height godmother of the civil rights, longest president of the national origination for negro women (40 years)
Myrlie Evers wife of Medgar Evers, continued his work
Betty Shabazz Malcom X wife, continued his work
Corretta Scott King Martin Luther King Jr. wife, continued his work
Carolyn Bryant white woman that accused Emmitt Till, confessed it was a lie recently
Thomas “Daddy” Rice created the character Jim Crow, led to black face, made fun of black men
Emmitt Till 14 year old boy murdered because of Carolyn Bryant
Medgar Evers secretary for NAACP, involved in a lot of cases where they go after the government for political issues
Huey P. Newton/Bobby Seale founded the black panther party for self defense
Thurgood Marshall first African American supreme court judge
O.W. Gurley founder of black wall street
Sarah Spenser Washington black hair care company
Stock let Carmichael coined the term black power, inspired the start of the movement
Fred Hampton leader of the chicago chapter of the black party, murdered by the chicago police and the FBI
Latasha Harlan shot and killed by a store merchant that accused her of stealing orange juice
Rodney King beaten by police, acquittal of police officers
Franklin D. Rooosevelt democratic party, social programs like welfare
Hiram Revels first black US senator
John Willis Menard first black elected to congress
George Edwin Taylor first black to run for president
Shirley Chisholm first black woman to run for president
Jesse Jackson first to really have any success at running for president, ran twice
Douglas Wilder first black governor
Carol Moseley Braun black female senator
Barack Obama first black president
Kamala Harris first black VP
Langston Hughes major author of harlem renaissance era
James Weldon Johnson “Lift Every Voice and Sing”, became the black national anthem
Lorraine Hansberry wrote a raisin in the sun, first broadway directed by a black director
James Baldwin major author of the black arts movement
Toni Morrison first African American to be department chair at Princeton, first black woman to receive Nobel prize for literature
Alice Walker pulitzer prize in literature
Amori Baraka/The Last Poets/Gil Scott-Heron godfathers of hip hop, set their poetry to music
Sidney Poitier first to get African American to get a best actor academy award
Diahann Carrol first black woman to star in a television show where she wasn’t a servant
Melvin Van Peebles wrote, directed, produced the first blaxploitation film
Spike Lee primary black director of the 80’s, opened the door for more black directors
John Singleton first lack director nominated for an academy award, for best director
Hattie McDaniel first black actress to get an academy award, best supporting actress
Denzel Washington two academy awards
Halle Berry only black female to have won best actress academy award
Maheshala Ali two academy awards
Ruth Carter first black person to win best costume design, for Black Panther
Hannah Beachler first black person to win best production design, for Black Panther
W.C. Handy father of the blues
Thomas Dorsey father of gospel music
Isaac Hayes first to get an oscar for best original song
Michael Jackson first black artist shown on MTV
Prince earned an oscar for best original song score
significant events (and years) of the Civil Rights Movement (essay) 1954 - Brown v. Board of Education 1955 - Emmett Till 1956 - Montgomery buses desegregate 1965 - Malcom X is assassinated 1967 - Loving v. Virginia 1968 - MLK Jr. assassinated
the benefits and disadvantages of Christianity for the black community advantages: way to mobilize, source of comfort, sense of community disadvantages: used by enslavers to justify slavery, images of white Jesus
key elements of Christianity sacred scriptures, authority, speculation, ethics, traditions, sacred time
the significance of the black church and gospel music brings joy into your life, makes the burden lighter, preachers often sing or speak with a melody
key elements of Islam sacred scripture, authority, speculation, ethics, traditions, sacred
the connections between the black power movement and the black arts movement (essay) during the black power movement it was all about reconnecting with African roots, pushed for change, out o that came artistic change as well, people changing their names to more African ones
the difference between power and influence power is the ability to achieve change despite opposition while influence is the ability to affect change if you know people
reasoning behind African Americans joining the Republican party Abe Lincoln was a part of it, looked at as responsible for emancipation and the 13, 14, 15 amendments
reasoning behind African Americans joining the Democratic party FDR put forwards a lot of social programs to help poor people
political administrations and the connection to mass incarceration (essay) Nixon: southern strategy, war on crime Reagan: war on drugs, 1 to 100 sentencing ratio H. W. Bush: news media, fake drug bust Clinton: violent crime control act and law enforcement act of 1994, provided funding for things W. Bush: war on terror
history behind policing in America (essay) slave patrols, enforcement of slave codes, KKK, positions as police officers did not require college degrees and often were dominated by working class that had a higher level of resentment of African Americans
the black family before, after colonization and today before: equal partnership, women leadership positions and warriors after: fracture and divided families, psychological trauma led to secrecy today: most children get raised in a two parent household even if it is the grandparents
mass incarceration stats black americans are incarcerated in state prisons nearly 5 times the rate of white americans, nationally one in 81 black adults per 100,000 in the U.S. is serving time in state prison
black health disparities experimentation during enslavement, Tuskegee Syphilis study, women were three times more likely to die of pregnancy related causes, had an infant mortality rate twice the rate for white infants
common stereotypes in early film and television (essay) blackface, jezebels, mammy, pickanninies, sapphire, coons, uncle toms
characteristics of blaxploitation films represents a series of films made in the 1970s featuring predominately black casts, most were criticized or advancing negative stereotypes of blacks
characteristics of hip hop gansta films rap music, drugs, gang violence
Created by: cvanfossen
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