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1960s JFK

Terms from the 1960s JFK Prezi

Beatnik a young person in the 1950s and early 1960s belonging to a subculture associated with the Beat Generation
Beat Generation a movement of young people in the 1950s who rejected conventional society and favored Zen Buddhism, modern jazz, free sexuality, and recreational drugs
Domino Theory a belief that is something happens in one country, it will cause similar reactions in neighboring countires
Nikita Kruschev Leader of the USSR
Ho Chi Minh Leader of North Vietnam
Viet Cong Communist Vietnamese forces in South Vietnam
Civil Right, Music, Culture Many things that carried over from the 1950s into the early 1960s
Alaska and Hawaii The 49th and 50th states to join the US
Beat Writers Disillusioned authors from the 1950s and early 1960s that influenced the counter culture
47 years old Richard Nixon at the time of the 1960 Election
43 years old John F Kennedy at the time of the 1960 Election
WWII Veteran Both Nixon and Kennedy were WWII Veterans
WWII Hero JFK was a hero, having saved crew members from his sinking ship
Dwight D Eisenhower The last president of the 1950s
Richard M Nixon The 1960 Republican Presidential Candidate
John F Kennedy The 1960 Democratic Presidential Candidate
Television The Presidential Election of 1960 was the first tp appear on tv
Camelot JFK's White House was compared to this
King Arthur Fictional Great English Warrior King
Jacqueline Kennedy JFK's wife
Guinevere King Arthur's wife
Sit-ins Peaceful protests at lunchcounters in an attempt to end segregation in restaurants
Medgar Evers NAACP Leader in Mississippi murdered outside of his home
Community Mental Health Act of 1963 Provided federal funding for community mental health centers as an alternative to institutionalization
Equal Pay Act 1963 Attempt to end wage discrimination based upon gender
Children's March Birmingham, AL, children march for equal treatment and end to segregation
Bay of Pigs Failed attempt to overthrow Cuban leader Fidel Castro
Turkey and Italy Two European countries where the US had nuclear missiles
Cuban Missile Crisis US USSR confrontation over nuclear missiles in Cuba
Flexible Response Defense strategy, one that relied on multiple options for responding to the Soviet Union, discouraged massive retaliation, and encouraged mutual deterrence.
Created by: dsalvucci
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