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US History 11

Totalitarianism A system of government in which the government has all the power and people have no rights.
Fascism A system of government in which there is strong nationalism, interests of the state are put over those of the people, and the government is controlled by a small group of people.
Communism A system of government in which there is one political party and the state owns all property.
Nazism German fascism.
Neutrality Acts A series of acts passed by Congress in an effort to keep America out of wars.
Appeasement The granting of concessions to a hostile party in an effort to avoid conflict.
Nonaggression pact An agreement in which groups agree not to attack each other.
Blitzkrieg "Lightning War"
Luftwaffe The German air force.
RAF (Royal Air Force) The British Royal Air Force.
Holocaust The genocide of the Jewish and other groups by Nazi Germany before and during World War II.
Kristallnacht 'Night of Broken Glass", November 9, 1938, when Nazi troops destroyed Jewish houses, businesses, and synagogues.
Genocide The deliberate and systematic extermination of a particular group of people.
Ghetto A city neighborhood where a minority is pressured or forced to live.
Concentration Camp Prison camp for the purpose of containment and extermination.
Axis Powers The group of nations in World War II that included Germany, Italy, and Japan.
Allied Powers The group of nations in WWII that included Britain, the USSR, and the United States.
Lend-Lease Act An act allowing the United States to lend or lease weapons and supplies to other nations.
Atlantic Charter An allied declaration of goals.
WAAC (Women's Auxiliary Army Corps) The non-combat female unit of the army.
Manhattan Project The code name for the secret American effort to construct an atomic bomb.
OPA (Office of Price Administration) An American agency established to fight inflation.
WPB (War Production Board) Managed resources in the US during the war.
Rationing Limiting the amount of civil using of good essential for the military.
D-Day June 6, 1944, the day the Allies invaded the European mainland.
Battle of the Bulge The last major German offensive, when Germany lost more weapons and troops than they could afford to.
V-E Day May 8th, 1945, the day the Allies won in Europe.
V-J Day September 2nd, 1945, the day Japan surrendered.
Battle of Midway The turning point in the Pacific War, an important victory for the Americans.
Kamikaze Deliberately crashing a bomb-filled airplane into a military target.
Hiroshima The first Japanese city to be atomic bombed by the Americans.
Nagasaki The second Japanese city to be atomic bombed by the Americans.
Nuremberg Trials The trials of Nazi leaders for crimes against the peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.
CORE An organization founded to confront urban segregation in the North.
Internment Camps Prison camps were Japanese-Americans were held during the war.
Joseph Stalin Leader of the USSR.
Benito Mussolini Leader of Fascist Italy.
Adolf Hitler Leader of Nazi Germany.
Francisco Franco Leader of Fascist Spain.
Neville Chamberlain British prime minister who tried to reach peace through a strategy of appeasement.
Winston Churchill British prime minister who opposed appeasement and said cool lines.
Charles de Gaulle French General; set up the government-in-exile.
Hideki Tojo Prime minister of Japan.
Emperor Hirohito Emperor of Japan, a powerless figurehead.
George Marshall American Army Chief of Staff General, aided in reconstruction.
A. Phillp Randolph African American labor leader.
Dwight D. Eisenhower American General, led in North Africa and Europe, later became president.
Omar Bradley American General who lead American troops at Normandy.
George Patton American General who helped liberate France.
FDR US president during WWII.
Harry Truman President after FDR.
Douglas MacArthur American General who fought in the Pacific and was involved in rebuilding Japan's government.
Chester Nimitz United States Admiral who led in the Pacific front.
J. Robert Oppenheimer American scientist who led the Manhattan Project.
Created by: GW125
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