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US History SOL 1-100

U.S. History SOL 1-100

Name of the people who settled in New England Puritans
Reason why Puritans came to New England economic opportunity
Name of the government Puritans formed in Massachusetts Mayflower Compact
Type of democracy the Puritans practiced with their town meetings Direct Democracy
Main reason why people came to Virginia and the other southern colonies To make money
Name given to those wealthy people who were given land to settle in Virginia Cavs
Big Valley in Virginia where the poor people settled Shenandoah
What was the cash crop of Virginia Tabacco
The first permanent English settlement in North America Jamestown
The year Jamestown was settled 1607
Name of the first elected assembly in the New World House of Burgesses
Name of the House of Burgesses governing body today Virginia General Assembly
Year when the first aficans (slaves) were brought to Jamestown 1619
Name the 4 New England colonies Massachusetts, New Hamsphire, Rhode Island & Connecticut
Name the Middle Colonies New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut
Name the 4 southern colonies Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
The 2 most important cities in the middle colonies Baltimore, Philadelphia
2 other cash crops grown in the south rice and indigo
Reason why some people left Massachusetts for Rhode island Too strict
Religious group that settled in Pennsylvania Quakers
Name the 2 religious groups to settle in New York Jews and Catholics
Presbyterians found a home in the colony of New Jersey
Type of People who lived in the mountains and valleys of colonial American Small farmers and hunters
Church the wealthy landowners attended in Virginia Church of England (Anglican)
Were the wealthy landowners closer to Britain then the other colonists yes, closer to Britain
Religious revival that swept through the colonies in the 1740s and laid the foundation for the revolution Great Awakening
2 churches that formed as a result of the "Great Awaking" Baptist and Methodist
What class of people in Virginia were the wealthiest Plantation owners
The people who provided the labor on the large plantations Slaves
Poor white slaves who agreed to work for 7 years were called Indentured servants
Shipping route that brought the slaves from Africa to Virginia Middle Passage
Enlightenment Philosopher who influenced American belief in self- Government John Locke
Locke argued that the people should do this to government that had become abusive over throw it
He wrote Common sense Thomas Paine
What was his main point in the book "Common Sense" It's Time for revolution
He authored the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson
Year when colonies declared their independence from England 1776
The first 7 words to the Declaration of Independence read We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident
Document also said that " all men are created _____________" Equal
Name of the war that saw France battle England For control of North American French and Indian war
Winner of French and Indian war Britain and the Colonists
Why did the Proclamation of 1763 anger the colonists won't let us move beyond the Appalachian Mountains
Name a few of the things that were taxed by the British Tea and Stamps
Famous event where the colonist dumped British tea into the Harbor Boston tea party
The first meeting of all the colonies were called the First Continental Congress
The event British soldiers shot into a group of protesters and killed killed 4 was called the Boston massacre
Name for the soldiers who fought the British in Lexington and Concord in 1775(had to be quickly) Minute Men
The colonist who wanted total independence (freedom) from England were called Patriots
Who said " give me liberty or give me death" Patrick Henry
Those who still sided with the British were known as Tories or Loyalists
Those who didn't take a side during the Revolutionary War were labeled as neutrals
He was the commander of the American army George washington
This nation gave us military aid in the Revolutionary war France
This founding father negotiated a treaty with France Ben Franklin
Was the Revolutionary war popular back in Britain No
Battle that ended the Revolutionary war in 1781 The Battle of Yorktown
Name of the first government we created after the winning our independence Articles of Confederation
Did we have a president at this time the Articles of Confederation No
How many votes did each state get in congress under the Articles of confederation 1 vote
Was there a judicial branch under the Articles No
Name the 2 houses of congress that were created by the Constituion Senate, House of Representative
In which house does each state get 2 representatives regardless of size Senate
Which one is based of population House of Representatives
What fraction of slaves were the Southern states allowed to count towards representative 3/5
Name the 3 branches of government created by the constiution Judical, Executive and Legislative
He presided over the Constitution convention George Washington
This man is known as the " father of the Constitution' and author of the bill of rights James Madison
Name of the plan that created the 3 branches of he federal government Virginia plan
He wrote the Virginia Declaration of rights George Mason
He authored the statue for religious freedom Thomas Jefferson
Name the first 2 political parties in American history Federalist and The anti-feds
Which party wanted a strong National Government Federalist
These 2 virginians were opposed to the Constitution Patrick Henry and George Mason
The leading proponents of the Constitution for virginia were James Madison and George washington
Supreme court case that Established the doctrine of "Judicial Mabury Vs. Madison
This man's election in 1880 was the first time which power was peacefully transferred from one party to another Jefferson
What party had won the the previous 2 presidential elections Federalist
What party was Jefferson in Dem-rep
What did Jefferson buy in 1803 Louisiana
These 2 men were the first to explore the Louisiana purchase Lewis and Clark
Indian women who helped Lewis and Clark on their trip Sacajawea
War that saw Americans lay claim to the Oregon territory Mexican-American War
Nation from which we acquired Florida in 1819 Spain
This president told Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere in 1823 Monroe
Texans fought a Heroic battle here in 1936 The Alamo
Texans were fighting to gain Independence from what nation Mexico
what years was Texan was an independent republic 1836-1845
Name 5 states the U.S. gained with its victory in the war with Mexico in 1848 California, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, Utah
What did th U.S. government do with the Indians in the east Put them on reservations out west
The Indian path taken to Oklahoma became known as The Trail of Tears
As President, he made government more available for the "common man" Andrew Jackson
Jackson also put many of his campaign supporters in office . This became known as the Spoils System
The big issues when adding new states to the U.S. before the Civil War was whether or not they would be ____________ or _________ Free or Slave owners
This Compromise in 1820 drew a line between the North and the south and only allowed which state to have slavery above the line Missouri Compromise, Missouri
The Compromise of 1850 made what state a free state (no slavery) California
Giving a state the option to choose whether or not to be a slave or free state was called Popular Sovereignty
Congress repealed the Missouri Compromise and allowed these two territories to vote on slavery Kansas and Nebraska
What party was born in 1885 to oppose the spread of slavery Republican
What southern state believed it had the right to 'Nullify" acts of Congress abd secede from the Union South Carolina
The belief that America was supposed to spread from coast to coast The Manifest Destiny
Created by: sstill
Popular U.S. History sets




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