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APUSH Unit 7

What role did government play in the progressive movement? progressives wanted the government to be big to accomplish reform. Wanted to return control of government back to the people
Muckrakers Journalists who unmasked the corruption in America
What was the WCTU and what reform were they involved in? Woman's Christian Temperance Union. They were involved with the reform against liquor
16th Amendment Income Tax
17th Amendment Direct election of Senators
18th Amendment prohibition of alcohol
19th Amendment Women's suffrage
20th Amendment Lame duck (January 20th president is sworn in)
21st Amendment Repeal of prohibition
What were the reforms that TR promoted in his reform program? Control of corporations, consumer protection, conservation of natural resources
What industry was the Elkins and Hepburn Acts addressing? railroads
2 famous muckrakers and the title of their works. What reform did TR institute after he read one of the works? Upton Sinclair-The Jungle Jacob Riis-How the other Half Lives Meat Inspection Act
The panic of 1907 led to the reform in what industry? What was the problem? financial reform and more money. New industrial economy needs more money in circulation
Foreign policy programs of each progressive president TR-Big Stick Taft-Dollar Diplomacy Wilson-Moralistic
What was TR's lasting legacy? Environmental legislation
Who ran in the election of 1912 and for what party? Roosevelt (New Nationalism) Taft (Republican) Wilson (Democrat)
What did the Underwood Tariff Act do? Cut tariffs and created gradual income tax
Name the European alliances before WWI. what countries were in each alliance? Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary) Allies (France, England, Russia)
What country did Wilson hold accountable leading up to WWI? Why did he eventually break ties with the country? Germany. They sunk the Lusitania
What did the Zimmerman note call for? What was the final straw to draw the US into WWI? Germany wanted an alliance with Mexico. The final straw was Germany sinking 4 US ships
Compare the draft with the Civil War and WWI In WWI, you couldn't purchase an exemption or hire a substitute
Who led the US troops in WWI? Why was the Second Battle of the Marne significant? John J. Pershing. Marked the beginning of German withdrawal and first significant engagement of American troops in a European war
In the Treaty of Versailles, what is the item that Woodrow Wilson negotiated for in the treaty? League of Nations
What lead to prosperity in the 1920s? Economic boom, new technologies, much consumption
What did Ford contribute to the automobile industry? the assembly line
Where was the example of lawlessness most evident in the 20s? Who led that corruption and how was this gangster finally stopped? Distribution of alcohol in Chicago. Al Capone. Income tax evasion
What were movies with sound called and what was the first movie with sound? Talkies. "The Jazz Singer"
What is buying stock on the margin? Buying stock with a small down payment
Scandals of the Harding presidency? Name the scandal, person involved, and what was the scandal teapot dome scandal, secretary of interior albert fall, took 400,000 in kickbacks from the oil companies
Kellogg-Briand Pact Outlawed war as a solution of international conflict
What was the long term impact of the Ford-McCumber and Hawley-Smoot Tariffs? Stopped international trade and made our depression worse
Characteristics that Coolidge brought to the White House. What was Coolidge's view on the role of government and business? He believed government should be small and businesses should create wealth
What group suffered economically in the 1920s? What were their problems?
Compare Hoover and FDR's approach to the Great Depression
What was the Bonus Army and what did they do? What was the outcome? WWI vets who came to DC to demand their war bonuses that were promised to them
The election of 1932 saw what change in voting blocks? Black vote from republican to democrat
Glass-Steagall Act Created the FDIC
Social Security Act Provided for unemployment and old age insurance financed by a payroll tax on employers and employees
National Recovery Act attempt to stimulate a nationwide comeback
Tennessee Valley Authority sought to discover exactly how much money it took to produce electricity and then keep rates reasonable
Public Works Administration Created jobs building roads, sewers, schools, post offices, hospitals, and tunnels
National Labor Relations Act guaranteed the right of unions to organize and to collectively bargain with management
What was the US foreign policy during the 1920s and 1930s isolationism
Created by: auweb921
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