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Vietnam Review Ch.30

Vietnam Test

Domino Theory The idea that if one country near Vietnam goes communist, they all will.
Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969) The communist leader of North Vietnam who wanted to unite the country. His favorite American is George Washington because he saw himself the same way.
LBJ He is the president during the Vietnam war that sent in the army & the marines.
17th Parallel Divided Vietnam into north & south
Cu Chi tunnel system The underground tunnel network used by communist to attack people in the south.
Viet Cong Communist guerilla fighters operating in the south, who recruited people to fight for unification.
Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution, 1964 By mistake on of our ships were attacked by North Vietnam; they apologized. The second attack that was reported to LBJ never happened. LBJ tells the airforce & military to bomb north Vietnam.
land mine A bomb that is activated by pressure
Agent Orange A chemical sprayed from planes & helicopters. It is a defoliant made to erase the forest.
napalm A gel made from gasoline, anything it touches sets on fire.
escalation, 1965-1968 LBJ turned Vietnam into a real war & half a million troops were there.
hawks & doves hawk = for war dove = against war
Tet Offensive, 1968 Both sides said they would not fight on that holiday, North Vietnam broke the agreement & attacked South Vietnam. American's said this war is lost.
My Lai Massacre, 1968 American soldiers killed tortured, abused 500 villagers at My Lai South Vietnam.
ARVN The army of South Vietnam our allies
conscientious objector Anyone who does not want to fight because of religious or moral principles
deferment To come up with a reason not to be drafted
Heaven & Earth (film) How very easy it was for the Viet Cong to turn people to their side.
Middle America A conservative part of America that is pro the war.
Vietnamization President Nixon wanted to get out of Vietnam & turned it over to South Vietnamese.
Kent State: (May 1970) The national guard open fired & killed 4 white students who protested against the Vietnam war. Anti-war people hated it, pro-war people supported it.
Jackson State Cops shot into the dorms & killed 2 black people.
POW / MIA POW: prisoner of war MIA: missing in action KIA: killed in action
Fall of South Vietnam, 1975 In that year North Vietnam finally conquered the south & the war was over.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 1982 was created in Washington D.C. to heal the nation in one of the worst wars in U.S. history
Why was the Vietnam War so unpopular? a. Because men got drafted b. Unlike world war 2 the Vietnamese never wanted to attack us / they never had a problem with Americans c. The war went on for 10+ years d. Never knew who the enemy was e. Expensive war
Outcomes of the Vietnam War a. First time America lost b. Last time U.S. forced men into the military / no more draft c. 58,000 people killed & more came back injured d. Lesson to U.S. not to fight in Civil Wars
Created by: ashleylindsay24
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