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Cold War 1980-1991

Ronald Reagan elected 40th U.S. President in 1980 on the Republican ticket defeating Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter; Reagan was a former actor and Governor of California.
Sandra Day O’Connor the first woman to be appointed to the Supreme Court, nominated by President Reagan and approved by the Senate in 1981.
George H. W. Bush became 41st U.S. President on the Republican ticket in the election of 1988, defeating Democratic candidate Michael Dukakis; Bush had been Reagan’s Vice President and a former CIA Director.
Mikhail Gorbachev became Soviet Premier (leader) in 1985 after taking over from Chernenko; Gorbachev was the last Premier of the USSR before its collapse in 1991.
Norman Schwarzkopf U.S. commander put in charge of all coalition forces during the 1991 Gulf War.
Oliver North a Marine who worked for the NSC and was a key witness before the Senate during the Iran-Contra investigations.
Boris Yeltsin first freely elected official in the USSR; elected President of Russia (a Soviet Republic) in 1989; NB this is different than Soviet Premier (Gorbachev was still head of the USSR).
Manuel Noriega military ruler of Panama from 1983-1989; he was captured by U.S. military for his masterminding drug smuggling operations into the U.S.; he was later convicted in 1992 of cocaine trafficking, racketeering, and money laundering.
Operation Desert Storm the January 16, 1991, U.S.-led invasion of Iraq due to its invasion of Kuwait in 1990; this started the 1991 Gulf War.
1991 Persian Gulf War began with air attacks on Baghdad [U.S. invaded Kuwait first to drive Iraqis back, to protect Kuwait and keep oil-rich region stable]
Iran-Contra scandal Senate investigation into the Reagan’s administration selling of weapons to Iran and funneling the money to the Contras in Nicaragua to fund their guerilla warfare of the Sandinista communist regime. [Key witness = marine & NSC employee Oliver North]
fall of the Berlin Wall the breaking down of the Berlin Wall built by the Soviets under Khrushchev in the 1960s; this event of Nov. 1989 signaled the beginning of the end of communism in Eastern Europe and the USSR.
break-up of the USSR July of 1991 START 1 signed in Moscow. September of 1991 USSR officially dissolved; commonwealth of Independent States/Russian Federation formed.
invasion of Grenada a small Caribbean Island just north of Venezuela that the U.S. invaded in 1983 to rescue American medical students and to stop Cuba from building an airstrip.
Tiananmen Square Massacre the shooting of several hundred civilians, mainly student demonstrators, by the Chinese in Beijing in June of 1989; students had occupied the square for seven weeks, refusing to move until their demands for democratic reform were met.
nuclear accident at Chernobyl site of the 1986 nuclear disaster in the USSR in which a nuclear power plant blew up; the official Soviet casualty count of 31 deaths has been disputed, and long-term effects such as cancers and deformities are still being accounted for.
Marine peacekeeping mission in Lebanon In June of 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon due to use as an attack base by PLO = 2-day war w/Syria. 1,800 US marines sent in to Lebanon as peacemakers and in October of 1983, Marine barracks in Lebanon bombed; killed 241.
Iran hostage crisis inaugurated and hostages in Iran released in exchange for $8 billion frozen assets ($5 billion given to US to pay debts) Reagan negotiated w/Iran’s leader, the Ayatollah Khomeini
AIDS virus a.k.a. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; named in the 1980s after a huge increase in illnesses among homosexual men; the causal virus, HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), was discovered by French scientist in the 1984.
invasion of Panama December of 1989, 2,000 US troops invaded Panama to stop drug trafficking by Manuel Noriega.
U.S. attacks on Libya In 1986, US planes attacked Tripoli, Libya because there was a terrorist attack in Germany and an American Soldier was killed. Later, terrorists sponsored and trained by, and fled back to Libya.
SDI President Reagan’s push to develop futuristic defense weapons (e.g., particle or laser beams) to counter any Soviet nuclear strike; dubbed by the media as “Star Wars” but led to the USSR renewing arms limitations negotiations.
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) law passed by Congress in 1990 to prohibit discrimination against disabled people in public places; led to the requirement of building wheelchair ramps, etc.
Reaganomics name given by the media to President Reagan’s economic policies that lowered individual and corporate income tax rates as well as reducing government regulation (laissez-faire capitalism); Reagan’s policies were based on supply-side economics.
Recession ended in US and markets began 9 yr. rise; inflation decreased to only 2%. What happened to the inflation rate by 1982?
Affirmative Action What program promoted preferential hiring of minorities due to past discrimination?
Not raise taxes by signing the Congressional Bill What was H.W. Bush’s most famous campaign promise (that he broke)?
To protest the late 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Why did the U.S. boycott the 1980 Summer Olympics?
Computers Which invention had the greatest impact on American workplaces in the 1980s?
The GI Bill enabled enlisted men and women to access the funds necessary to attend college. Why did graduation rates increase after 1945?
Created by: mbk0585
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