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Great Depression

Price Support the maintenance of a price at a certain level through government intervention
Credit an arrangement with a buyer pays later for a purchase, often on an installment plan with interest changes. BUY now PAY later
Dow Jones Industrial Average A measure of based on the prices of the stocks of 30 large companies, widely used as a barometer of the stock market’s health
Speculation an involvement in risky business transactions in an effort to make a quick or large profit
Buying on Margin the purchasing of stocks by paying only a small percentage of the price and borrowing the rest
Black Tuesday A name given to October 29,1929, when the stock prices fell sharply
Great Depression a period, lasting from 1929 to 1940, in which the U.S. economy was in severe decline and millions of Americans were unemployed
Shantytown a neighborhood in which people lived in makeshift shacks. Often called a "Hooverville"
Soup Kitchen a place where free or low cost food is served to the needy
Bread line a line of people waiting for free food
Dust Bowl the region, including Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico, that was made worthless for farming by drought and dust storms during the 1930s
Bonus Army a group 20,000+ WWI veterans and their families who marched on Washington, DC in 1932 to demand the immediate payment of bonus they had been promised for military service
New Deal President FDR’s program to alleviate the problems of the Great Depression, focusing on relief for ready, economic recovery, and financial reform
Glass- Steagall Act the 1933 law that established the Federal Deposit insurance Corporation to protect individuals bank accounts
AAA a law enacted in 1933 to raise crop prices by paying farmers to leave a certain amount of their land unplanted, thus lowering production. AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT
CCC an agency, established as part of the New Deal, that put young unemployed men, age 18-25, to work building roads, developing parks, planting trees, and helping in erosion-control and flood-control projects. CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS
NIRA a law enacted in 1933 to establish codes of fair practice for industries and to promote industrial growth. NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY ACT
Deficit Spending a government’s spending of more money than it receives in revenue
WPA an agency, established as part of the Second New Deal, that provided the unemployed with jobs in construction, garment making, teaching, the arts, and other fields. Created 100,000 + jobs. WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION.
Social Security Act a law enacted in 1935 to provide aid to retirees, the unemployed, people with disabilities, and families with dependent children. Set money aside so you can retire!
Grapes of Wrath A novel by John Steinbeck, published in 1939, that deals with a family of Oklahoman's who leaves the Dust Bowl for California
FDIC an agency created in 1933 to insure individuals' bank accounts, protecting people against losses due to bank failures. Insured up to $5,000 in the bank. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPERATION
SEC An agency, created in 1934, that monitors the stock market and enforces laws regulating the sale of stocks and bonds. SECURITIES EXCHANGE COMMISSION.
TVA A federal corporation established in 1933 to construct dams and power plants in the Tennessee Valley region to generate electricity as well as to prevent floods. Hired 40,000 workers. TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY
Herbert Hoover President from 1929-1932. Could not get America out of the depression. The "failer". Famous quote: "I HAVE NO FEARS FOR OUR COUNTRY, IT IS BRIGHT WITH HOPE!"
Franklin Delano Roosevelt President from 1932-1945. 4 terms. The "fixer". Famous quote: "THE ONLY THING WE HAVE TO FEAR, IS FEAR ITSELF"
Huey Long Political radical. Believed in the "share the wealth" idea of taking from the rich to give to the poor. Assassinated.
Hidden causes of the depression: 1). unequal distribution of wealth 2). Installment buying 3) Banks fail. 7,000 in the 20's. 800 + in the 30's 4). Increase in unemployment 5). High taxes 6). Farm surplus, plus land is drying up
Immediate cause of the depression The stock market crash
Children of the 1930's: 300,000 + homeless, forced to work, often sent away
Hobo's Homeless men who left home in search of work, or just to get away. Some rode the trains.
Fireside Chats Weekly updates from FDR given over the radio about what he was doing to try to help/ fix/ improve things in the depression.
Eleanor Roosevelt Married to FDR. Became his eyes and ears because he was not able to travel well and see what was happing across the country
What "officially" ended the Great Depression? WWII
Created by: KOSKINEN425
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