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Civil War Vocab

Election of 1860 The election that led the southern states to leave the Union and form the Confederacy
Fort Sumter The first shots of the Civil War were fired here
Jefferson Davis President of the Confederate States of America
Border States Slave states that remained in the Union during the Civil War
Border States Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, Delaware and West Virginia.
John C. Breckinridge Southern Democratic candidate in the Election of 1860
Stephen Douglas Northern Democratic candidate in the Election of 1860.
Abraham Lincoln Republican candidate and winner of the Election of 1860
Abraham Lincoln Opposed the spread of slavery into the territories
John Bell Presidential candidate in 1860 for the Constitutional Union Party.
John Bell Stood for a peaceful compromise to hold the Union together in 1860
First Bull Run First major battle of the Civil war; Southern victory; showed that the war would be long and costly for both sides.
Anaconda Plan Union strategy for winning the war; blockade the South, divide the Confederacy, capture Richmond, the CS capital.
Winfield Scott Union general that was old but he came up with the Anaconda Plan.
Blockade To prevent a nation from trading or communicating with another nation by sea.
Shiloh Battle in Southwestern Tennessee that shocked the country with its heavy casualties.
Antietam Fought in Maryland, it is the single bloodiest day in American history.
Antietam Battle that stopped the first Confederate invasion to the North
Antietam After this battle, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation
Gettysburg Turning point of the Civil War, stopped Lee's second invasion of the North.
Gettysburg Battle that convinced England and France not to ally with the South.
Gettysburg Confederate army suffered so many casualties at this battle they could not invade the North again.
Vicksburg Capture of this city led to the Union capturing the Mississippi River,
Vicksburg Battle that officially divided the Confederacy in half.
Vicksburg Grant won this siege on July 4 thus officially dividing the Confederacy
March to the Sea The Union army led by William Sherman waged total war on the people of Georgia to break their will to support the Confederate army
Appomattox Courthouse Lee and the Confederate Army officially surrendered to Grant and the Union army at his place on April 9 1865
David Farragut Union admiral from Tennessee, responsible for the blockade of the Confederacy
Nathan Bedford Forrest Confederate cavalry commander that used guerilla warfare on the Union army Mississippi and Tennessee
Ulysses S. Grant Union commander that finally defeated Robert E Lee and won the war.
Ulysses S. Grant Won the battles of Forts Henry and Donelson, Shiloh, Vicksburg and Chatanooga for the Union
Robert E. Lee Confederate General responsible for the forces defending Richmond
Robert E. Lee Won the Seven Days Battles, Second Bull Run, Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville
Stonewall Jackson Confederate General that saved the day at the First Bull run and earned a famous nickname
Emancipation Proclamation Order issues by Lincoln that officially, freed the slaves in the Confederate States but not the border states.
Emancipation Proclamation Officially allowed African Americans to enlist and fight in the US army.
Gettysburg Address Brief speech given by Abraham Lincoln that summed up the goals of the war and honored the dead.
54th Massachusetts The first all-black regiment to fight in the Union Army.
Nashville The 13th colored troops helped to destroy the Confederate Army in Tennessee at this battle.
Sam Watkins A soldier from Clarksville that kept a journal about his experiences in the Confederate Army.
Elisha Hunt Rhodes He kept a diary about life as a soldier in the Union Army.
Fort Wagner The 54th Massachusetts showed their bravery and earned the respect of the Union Army when they charged this fort.
Henry and Donelson The capture of these two forts helped the Union control the Tennessee River system.
John Wilkes Booth Southerner that assassinated President Lincoln as Ford's Theatre.
13th Amendment Officially abolished slavery in the United States of America.
14th Amendment Defined citizenship and guaranteed equal protection under the law for African Americans.
15th Amendment Gave African American men the right to vote.
Ten Percent Plan The name of Lincoln''s plan for Reconstruction, it was lenient and made it easy for the southern states to rejoin the Union.
Andrew Johnson. The name of Lincoln's vice-president and became president after his assassination.
Andrew Johnson His plan for reconstruction was too lenient, encouraged states to pass blackcodes; vetoed legislation passed by Congress.
Radical Republicans Group of Congressman whose Reconstruction plan was too harsh on the South; they also impeached Andrew Johnson.
Black Codes Laws passed by individual states to limit the rights and freedoms of African Americans
Military Reconstruction Act Law passed by Congress that divided the southern states into five military districts until they ratified the 14th and 15th Amendment.
Freedmen's Bureau Government agency that was created to help newly freedmen and poor whites with jobs, medical and education.
Poll Tax State law that required citizens to pay a fee before they are able to vote.
Tenure of Office Act Law passed by Congress and wetoes by Andrew Johnson that said he had to get Congress' permission to fire any member of his cabinet.
Impeachment To formally charge the president with a crime; a trial is held in the Senate.
Freedmen Slaves that had been freed by the 13th Amendment.
Segregation the separation of blacks and whites in public places like bathrooms and schools.
Jim Crow Laws Laws passed by the southern states that enforced the segregation of public places.
William Brownlow Republican governor of Tennessee during Reconstruction, he was very hard on southerners that fought and served with the Confederacy; also owned his own newspaper.
Vigilante A person that takes justice into their own hands and punishes others without a trial or due process.
Carpetbaggers Northerners that moved south to help out with or profit from Reconstruction.
Scalawags A southerner that were Republicans during the Reconstruction, often targets of violence.
Compromise of 1877 Agreement that officially ended Reconstruction.
Compromise of 1877 Deal made between Democrats and Republicans in which Rutherford B Hayes was made president in exchange for Union troops being removed from the Southern States.
Rutherford B. Hayes Republican president that officially ended Reconstruction in 1877
Reconstruction Time period 1865-1877 following the Civil War in which the south was rebuilt politically, economically and socially.
Created by: ralstwre000
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