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Quiz 2

Metacom led the Wampanoags against puritans in Rhode Island. Was demanded to surrender weapons in 1671 but resisted leading to the King Philip War.
King Philip's War started in 1675 when the English declared war against the Narragansetts who would join metacom in the battle. Metacom was killed in an ambush
Pueblo Revolt 1680 Indian resistance movement. Involves 17,000 pueblos (spread over 2 dozen towns and hundreds of miles). They waited until just before the town was going to receive supplies so that they would be low on resources before attacking
Popé led the pueblo revolt
Wampum special belts used during diplomatic events. often told messages from the meetings and were kept as records
Covenant Chain alliances between the Iroquois and the Europeans
Six Nations a group of native american groups that included the Iroquois. they combined their military abilities and managed to balance power between them
abenakis a nation in northern new England that sat between the English and French. both sides competed to become allies with he group. fought with the French during the 7 years war
Seven Years' War/ French and Indian War 1756-1763 ended with the treaty of Paris
Fort Duquesne fort built on the Ohio river. Virginia wanted them to leave Britain to leave it but they refused. Virginian militia came with the help of Indian warriors. led to the France and Britain declaring war against each other
Treaty of Paris ended the 7 years war. The French gave Britian all land easy of the mississippi.
Clan mothers woman who had political power in tribes. They could decide the fate of captives, elect/remove council chiefs, and influence decisions of war/peace
Captives Europeans who were captured by Indians were sometimes adopted by the tribes. Europeans also took indians as Captives and would try to convert them into Catholics
Cheyennes native americans that lived on the plains and traded with other groups for horses
Horse-Buffalo complex natives used horses to better hunt buffalo which were needed for food. together they were the source of power, prosperity, and freedom for the groups on the plains
Caddos farming people from northern Texas/Louisiana. In 1542 spaniards entering their territory brought diseases that heavily impacted their population. Had far reaching trade routes to the French and Spanish. Women were mediators, Europeans saw as promiscuous
Pontiac Ottawaa chief convinced tribes in great lakes and ohio valleys against the british. 1763 called for warriors to capture all British forts west of the Appalachian Mountains (excluding Niagara, Detroit, and fort Pitt which they were going to siege)
Royal Proclamation October 1763. established the appalachian mountains as the boundary between indian and colonial territory and said that no person could buy land from the indian people
Sullivan's Expedition 1779, general john sullivan marched through Iroquois territory and burned about 40 towns, cut down orchards and destroyed crops.
Delawares neighbors to shawnee. Were reluctant to pick a side for/against British. Chief White Eyes made the treaty of Fort Pitt in 1778 (first writing Indian treaty) where they and the US congress forms an alliance. Didn't last long (militia murdered white eyes)
Peace of Paris 1783, at end of revolutionary war where all land south of great lakes, north of florida, and east of mississippi belonged to Americans. No natives were involved leading them to deal with the Americans
Alexander McGillivray a creek who led the confederacy of tribes (united power with a lot of force) fought for creek land/independence. refused to recognize peace of paris. made treaty with spain to trade and protect land
Northwest Ordinance 1787. prohibited states from taking land from native people but allowed congress to expand the nation
Indian Trade and Intercourse Act 1790. an act passed by congress where only licensed traders were allowed to be in indian country. Also prohibited transfers of their land without approval of congress. was renewed until 1834
Northwestern Indian Confederacy 1780s. they refused to accept American settlement west of the ohio river. Included Iroquois, Hurons, Delawares, Shawnees, Ottawa's Anishinaabeg, Potawatomi's, Miami's, and Wabash River tribes. they sent letter to congress resisting expansion
Treaty of Greenville 1795. over a thousand indian delegates came to agree to terms that qould give most of ohio and indiana to the native americans. it was supposed to be a lasting boundary.
Comanche empire controlled the southern plains, they were powerful due to thier use of buffalo, horses, and grasslands. they also used kinship, coexistence, and coercion to dominate the area even though they had a lot of military power
blackfeet located in the northern plains. they had a lot of horses and built an arsenal of firearms and steal weapons. traded eith the Cree and Assinibione to get furs from the french near hudson bay. 1/3 killed by smallpox. pushed Shoshonis to rocky mountain area
Spanish missions spread throughout california in 1823. Indian people moved in after land was disrupted by european contact. the missions forced them to work around religion and made them follow catholic social structures
Sea otter trade started in canada and traveled all the way to china
smallpox epidemic 1779-1784. went from south america to the hudson bay area. First struck mexico city and killed almost twenty thousand. they spread along trade routes
Battle of Fallen Timber 1794. a battle where indians were overrun by the British
Handsome Lake a seneca that had a vision where the creator showed him a new religion and way of life for Iroquois called Gaiwiio "the good message" preached his relgion to different people
Longhouse Religion combined traditional beliefs with Christian (quaker) additions. denounces alcohol, factionalism, and the breakdown of family life. Emphasized the importance of education and farming. Men/husband headed nuclear families
Tecumseh Gave strong direction to movement of Indian Unity. Fought at battle of fallen timbers. Refused to sign treaty of greenville. sided with the british in the war of 1812 in order to prevent american expansion
Tenskwatawa (shawnee prophet) Brother of Tecumseh. teaching promised the revitalization of shawnee culture but also drew in other tribes when he pedicted the total eclipse in 1806. he and brother concerned government
Creek War 1813-14 Andrew Jackson directed campaigns to slaughter of about 800 creek warriors at the battle of Topeka. 500 cherokees and 100 lower creeks helped Jackson
Five civilized Tribes the cherokees, creeks, choctaws, chickasaws, and seminoles. in 1825 had a lot of mills and resources. they also constructed their government into constitutional republic similar to the US.
Cherokee Pheonix a newspaper in 1828 that was written in cherokee and english
Indian Removal Act passed by congress in 1830. authorized the president to negotiate indian tribes living east of the mississippi
Corn Tassel cherokee sentences to death for killing another indian in cherokee country which was a crime that fell under indian jurisdiction
Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia the cherokee tried to sue Georgia in the supreme court but they ruled that the cherokees weren't citizens or independent nation
Worcester vs. Georgia the court found that the cherokee nation was their own territory and the Georgia government couldn't interfere
Treaty of New Echota 1835. signed by the US with a few cherokees agreeing to move west voluntarily
Trails of Tears when thousands of indian people were forced to move west
Black Hawk War 1832. the sauk chief returned with his people to in Illinois and american settlers claimed that were being invaded causing the illinois militia to be brought in and attack. Sauk tried escaping but were stick between rifleman and armed steamboats
William Apess a pequot Indian and methodist minister who actively revolted and worked hard to make sure that americans knew that New England was Indian country
Native American Genocide the accumulation of evidence rather than sweeping generalizations. Historians did research on how events went down and concluded that an example of the genocide was in California. 80% population decline (150,000 to 30,000)
Created by: bradleyb3
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