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Rome Part 2

when did Rome have control of the entire Italian Peninsula? in 264 BC
What did Rome desire? They desired to expand westward
What did they believe about contact with North Africa? Believed to avoid thier city-states of Carthage which would lead to conflict
What is the Latin word for Phoenician? Punicus
Where did the Phoenician traders settle ? They settled in Carthage along with people from North Africa.
Who was in the Three Punic wars ? Rome and Carthage.
What happened in the first war? Rome defeats Carthage
What does Rome gain from the first war? They gain Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia
What happened 23 years later after 241 BC when the first Punic war ended?n The second Punic war began
Who launches an attack first? Carthage
Who lead the attac? Hannibal
Who is Hannibal? He is a Carthaginian general
Why does Hannibal lead an attack against Rome? He seeks revenge against Rome
How exactly does Hannibal lead the attack stategy? He invades Italy from the North which is the Alps
Does Hannibal succeed? No, they fail to capture Rome
How do the Romans react to this attack by Hannibal? Romans go to Carthage and attack it.
What is Hannibal forced to do then? He is forced to return home to defend it.
Who in the end wins the Second Punic war? Rome defeats Carthage
After the War, what is Carthage suppose to give up to agree with the peace terms? To give up all land outside of Africa
What does Carthage have to pay to agree for Roman peace terms? They are suppose to pay a HUGE tax to Rome for the cost of wars
What else does Carthage have to do? They have to reduce navy
What is the last peace term that Carthage has to obey to? They have to only wage war with Roman permission
Does Carthage follow all of these peace terms? Yes and NO.
When the Third war begins, who starts it? After a while, Rome distrust Carthage to hold to their word they launch an attack
What do the Romans do to get revenge? Romans destroy Carthage
How does Rome destroy Carthage? Burn the city enslave sow salt in to the soil
How many people did the Romans enslave? 50,000
Romans are masters of the western what? Mediteranean
Where do the Romans expand toward? Expand eastward
What do they conquor? They conquor Macedonia, Greece, and parts of Asia Minor
What is the definition of "Imperialism" policy of establishing control over foreign people and land
What does the conquest bring? It brings riches to Rome
What does the new class of wealthy Romans create? Laifundias
What are laifundias? They are , any large ancient Roman agricultural estate that used a large number of peasant or slave labourers.
What happens to the conquored people? They become immediately slaves on estates
What happens to the currant farmers? They are in debt
What happened to the Roman vaules? Greed replaced hard work and devotion
What causes the Roman Republic to decline? Series of civil wars cause the fall of Roman Republic
What were some ways that the Republic decline? Roman soldiers became loyal to their commanders but not to Rome itself
What were the 5 ways that the Roman Republic delined? 1. Economic problems 2. government corruption 3. crime 4. private armies 5. the rise of Julius Caesar as emperor
Who all dominate Roman Politics? Julius Caesar and Pompey Military generals
What does Caesar do to Pompey? He defeats Pompey
What does Caesar do after defeating Pompey? He calls himself dictator for life.
Does Julius keep the senate? Yes he keeps it
What started the death of Julius The senate fears Julius's power
How did Julius die? He was stabbed to death on the senate floor
When was the day of death of Julius? March of 44 BC
Who does Octavian defeat? Mark and Cleopatra of Egypt
What does Octavian do then after conquoring the 2 people of Egypt? He then takes power of Rome
What does Octavian then call himself? He calls himself Augustus.
What does the name Augustus mean? It means exalted one
During this time, what begins and then ends? Roman Republic ends and the Roman Empire begins
What does Augustus build? He builds a stable government?
What did he also put into motion ? he put in motion. the census
What was the census? It was a population count and records
What was the purpose of the census? It was to tax people
If you didn't come to the census, what was the punishment? It was that your things would be taken away by authorities and you would be sold into slavery.
What else did he create that we use in some form today? he created the postal service
What kind of currency did he establish? He established coins.
What was the currency called? Roman Denarius
When was Augustus emperor? When Jesus was born
What was the Pax Romana? It was 200 years of Roman Peace
With who did the Pax Romana begin and who did it end with? It begin with Augustus and ended with Marcus A.
Who are the bad emperors? Caliguia, and Nero
Who are considered the good emperors? Hadrian, Marcus A
Who was the emperor when Jesus was crucified? it was Tiberius?
What was suprising about Tiberius? he was a brilliant general but he never wanted to be emperor
What is Tiberius's nickname? He is called the "gloomiest of men"
Who was Caligula ? He was the cruelest of the bad emperors
How did Caligula die? He was assassinated after four years by his own Praetorian guard
How was he paranoid? He wanted to make his horse a consul.
Who did Claudius do ? He constructed aqueducts
Did Claudius have physical disabilities? Yes
How many times did Claudius marry? 4 times
Who was the last person that Claudius marries Nero's mother
How did Claudius die? He died of mushroom poisoning
Who did Nero do to Christians? he persecutor of them
Who were the two that were executed during Nero's reign Peter and Paul
What did Nero do during the Rome's burning? He played the fiddle
How did Nero die? He commited suicide
Who created the Colosseum? Vespasian created the Colosseum
what was the Colosseum? is a large amphitheater
Who finished the Colosseum? Titus, son of Vespasin
How did Titus die? He died of natural causes of a fever
Who exiled John the apostle? He was exiled by Domitian
Was Domitian a good or bad emperor? He was considered a bad emperor
In what way was he called a 'bad' emperor? He was considered a bad one for economy and as a general
Who was Domitian hated by? He was hated by the aristocracy
who are the aristocracy? they were a ruling social class (rich)
What of Domitian do or act that they didn't like? They didn't like him for his cruelty and for showiness
How did Domitian die? He was stabbed 8 times by court Officials
Who is considered the greatest emperor? It was Trajan
Where was he born? He was born in Spain
During Tragan's rule, what happened to Roman Empire? It reached it's greatest extent
What is Tragan known for? He is known for his massive building projects
What is an example of one of Tragan's big building projects? The Tragan's Forum
What was Hadrian known for? He was known for his interest in architecture and for visiting a number of provinces
What was the greatest accomplishment of Hadrian? His Hadrian wall to protect the Roman Empire
What else did Hadrian create that is famous now? It was the Pantheon
Who was the last Western Roman emperor? It was Romulus
Created by: Sophie ER
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