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US History

Flappers shorter dresses, not viewed as socially acceptable, women pushing boundaries and ideas
Barnstormers pilots who want to sell airplanes to people, exposing people to airplanes, predicts everyone will own an airplane
Amelia Earhart suffragist, argues that women are freer when they fly, flies across Atlantic Ocean by herself
Charles Lindbergh flew across fly across Atlantic, very first pilot to fly across the ocean, seen as idiot at first then celebrated
Harlem Renaissance artistic and intelligent movement, focus on African heritage with American culture
Great Migration black people leave the south to industrialized cities in U.S., mainly in the north, leads to change in communities
Madame C.J. Walker first black female in the U.S. that was a self-made millionaire, came from sharecropping, sells products for hair growth and improving appearance
Emergency Immagration Acts restrict immigration from Asia and Europe, allows immigration from Mexico and Central America, demand of labor, restrictions on who can and cannot apply for citizenship
Prohibition 18th amendment, fought against moral decline in the U.S., can't drink, sell, or transport alcohol, Americans ignore the law, speakeasies
Tulsa Race Massacre In Oklahoma, prestigious neighborhood, known as "black wall street", mobs of armed white residents set fire to buildings, 800 injured, 300 died
Birth of a Nation featuring clan as heroic, movie with burning crosses, inspiration of KKK, portrays African Americans as the problem
David Stephenson Midwest leader of the Klan, rose socially and politically, wanted to run for senator and president, arrested for murder and rape of many white women, led to decline in Klan membership
Causes of Great Depression buying on credit, wealth is unequally distributed, stocks failing, worldwide depression
Social impact fireside chats on the radio, restriction of goods, soup kitchens thriving, hunger strikes
Hoovervilles homeless communities, living in whatever they can find
Dust Bowl dust storms sweep away topsoil, takes away farmer's livelihood, drought, no irrigation for crops
Bonus March WW1 veterans protesting, supposed to get bonus for serving the country, president does not want to pay them
Civilian Conservation Corps created to give 18- to 25-year-olds jobs, hires 2.5 million men by the federal government
National Industry Recovery Act regulate industries, government sets standards for working conditions, set prices, trying to make workers lives easier, helping economy
Works Progress Administration similar to CCC creates jobs for workers of all different fields
USS St. Louis filled with Jewish refugees trying to flee Cuba, U.S. rejects refugees
Nazi rallies combined American and German nativism
Lend-lease Act allows U.S. to lend war supplies to countries that are vital to our security
Rosie to Riveter ideal woman factory worker, inspirational, patriotic, doing work men used to do, higher paying and ranking jobs
Internment Camps camps that kept Japanese Americans, 2/3 are citizens
Women Army Corps traditional work, secretarial things
WASPs not traditional at all, flying military planes, no hand-to-hand combat for women
1944 Congressional Bill voted no because men wanted women's jobs
Executive Order 9981 integrates U.S. military, no more Jim Crow segregation, issued by Harry Truman, passes because of black service, women intergrated too
Containment continuing communism to certain regions of the world
Truman Doctrine help anyone if you are weak to communism, struggling against communism, steps in with military and money
North Atlantic Treaty Organization first peace alliance, attack one, attack all, no matter what
Korean War not actual war, 1950-1953, Soviet Union occupied North Korea, U.S. occupied South Korea, U.S wants democracy, Soviet Union wants communism
Cuban Missile Crisis under JFK, standoff between the Soviet Union and U.S. over Cuba, because of communism, Cuba is resentful of U.S.
Kitchen Debate head of Soviet Union and Nixon arguing which women are more comfortable, Soviet Union or American
Baby Boom generation born after WW2, people waited to have kids
Momism mom needs to be active against communism, overnuturing= making your kids weak to communism
Levittown suburb, best for raising families, middle class, houses look the same, predominantly white
Interstate Highway Act creation of highways in U.S., quicker military travel, landing aircraft
June Cleaver character, stereotypical mom, model of American woman, reinforcing gender ideals
Sundown towns discrimatory loan practices, rules of who could come into the neighborhood, targeted colored people
Executive Order 9066 FDR passes this because of Pearl Harbor, US government can ban anyone from a area designated for military
Created by: lwomer
Popular U.S. History sets




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