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Exam 2 - HIST 142

flapper more than just in American culture; shorter skirts/dresses; not seen as socially acceptable; dances/bars as dates; in response/expansion of the suffrage movement
barnstormers pilots trying to sell aviation to the public; fly into rural areas and land; exposing public to airplanes; want them to own and fly them; prediction that all Americans will own an airplane one day
Charles Lindbergh/Amelia Earhart famous barnstormers who were defending feminist rights; both are the first of their gender to fly across atlantic by themselves; "non-stop = $25000"; Charles - 33 hours; Amelia - wore pants; she tried to fly around the world, went missing; body not found
harlem renaissance created by African Americans; merge culture (art forms); section of NYC becomes predominantly black; artistic/intellectual movement; jazz music; literature/poetry
great migration African Americans leave south to industrialized US cities (north); change in larger city communities; impacts property values; rise in violence; seeking more stable jobs
madam c.j. walker first self-made millionaire; black woman in sharecropping; not getting enough nutrients so she sold products to help with health and hair growth; "appearance matters"
emergency immigration acts another way to restrict immigration (Asia & Europe); allows immigration in large numbers from Mexico and Central America; demand for labor served as reason; limited number of people that can apply for citizenship
prohibition 18th amendment; arguments around great migration; declime (moral) of US; cannot make/sell/transport alcohol; betterment of US mentality; gets ignored
tulsa race massacre (or riot) 1921; tulsa oklahoma; prestigious neighborhood "black wall street"; black business district; mobs of white residence sets firs to region of city;
the birth of a nation hollywood movie featuring the KKK; Christian heros saving America; burning crosses (intimidation tactic); 3 hours of Klan rescuing white women; Woodrow Wilson loves movie and hosts showings at the White House
David Stephenson midwest leader of Klan; gave credibility; wanted to run for president/senator; gains national media attention; arrested for murder of madge oberholtzer (drug, assault, murder); had happened to multiple women
hoovervilles communities of homeless people living in makeshift shelters; standing in breadlines
dust bowl dust storms sweeping away topsoil on farms; takes away farmers livelihood; massive drought; overproduction during WW2 & drought make things worse; kills animals/people; storms last for weeks/months; 50-60 mph winds
bonus march 1932; WW2 veterans protesting economy; were supposed to get bonus; wanted it now; over 20000 veterans; camp out near capitol buildings; hoover opposed protesting & got DC police to use tear gas & burning of tents
civilian conservation camps way to help everyday Americans; gives men 18-25 jobs; eventually hire 2.5m men; mostly working in construction across US; asks to appeal 18th amendment (provides more businesses & increases the economy)
national industrial recovery act regulate industry; sets up conditions for workers; set prices for certain things - regulate competition; establishes 40 hour work week; bans child labor; some major corps sue; deemed unconstitutional; NIRA & new deal - shut down
works progress administration create jobs for workers; all fields (jobs); hires people to do art
uss st. louis passenger ship filled w/Jewish refugees escaping Europe; Cuba president does not admit into country; US also rejects; US coast guard patrols border (no jumping off boats); captain returns ship to Europe; people end up in concentration camps
lend-lease act lend materials to countries that are vital to our security; pretending we don't have a side in the war; want to help Britain; doing things to not violate international terms
rosie the riveter ideal factory worker; the classic poster everyone knows has only been seen by FEW people; hung for 2 weeks; inspiration due to patriotism & strength; women made lots of money; jobs given back to men
executive order 9066 because of pearl harbor; americans feel helpless & want revenge; US can ban anyone from certain areas that is designated for the military; removed Jap. Am. from western US to put them in internment camps
internment camps Japanese Americans moved here after executive order; 2/3 of them were already citizens; only bring what you carry; "what if they're spies"; west coast - proximity to Japan; using army resources for internment camps; 43 years later, gave survivors $20000
women's army corps jobs that are traditional jobs for females; switchboard operators; marines and airforce did not admit A.Americans; still very segregated by race; reassuring femininity (prostitutes for men overseas); went to fight; women doing same as men, minus combat
women airforce service pilots all non-traditional female jobs; not involved w/combat; on the homefront; flying planes from factories to military base
executive order 9981 1948; integrates US military (both races); ordered by Harry Truman; argues - passing due to help/work of non-white Americans in the war
containment contain communism to certain regions of the world; done through Truman doctrine
truman doctrine we will help you if you're weak to communism; this be military/monetary
north atlantic treaty organization (NATO) first time alliance (peace) as a country; "if you attack us, you attack us all"; this increases the states of conflict
korean war US never "declared" war; but was involved; korea divided by allies; US occupies south and soviet union occupies north; north invades south (china helps north); US supports south; fighting near middle of country; truce called; millions civilians killed;
cuban missile crisis happens under Kennedy in 1962; stand off between soviet union and US; 2 weeks; discussion over Cuba; still have guantanamo bay; fighting over missile placement
house committee on unamerican activities joseph mccarthy starts this committee; looking for communist people in the US government; wants to try to bring these people to trial
the kitchen debate 1959; head of the soviet union and richard nixon hold series of debates; whose women are happier and better off; a model kitchen; discuss modern technology in the household; argues that capitalism makes US female lives easier; S.U.W. are working;
baby boom generation born after WW2; "boom" because people had been waiting to have families; population size increase; 76 million; societal emphasis on younger marriage age
momism mothers need to avoid momism; over nurture/protect your children (helicopter parents); named by Philip Wylie; emphasis on being a "good mom"
levittown in Long Island NY; William Levitt; argues suburbs are the best place to raise a family; for the middle class; safer; house all look the same; mass produce so more people can own one; $8,490
interstate highway act creation of highways in the US; 1-5 miles are straight; makes for quicker travel and and can help with airplane landing/take-off
june cleaver "leave it to beaver"; represents an ideal perfect mother; model for American women; great homemaker; reinforce gender ideals; wore heels in the home; her image not practical
sundown towns levittowns who have rules of who can be where after sundown; explores racism
Created by: ewilkinson
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