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Preisinger History 7

Chapter 14 & 15 Quiz

Chapter 14 & 15 Quiz Mr. Preisinger
Citizens of Ireland moved because of this... The Potato Blight
Belief people could rise above material things... Transcendentalism
Favoring one section over interests of entire country... Sectionalism
Economic level between wealthy and poor... Middle Class
1st President of the Confederate States of America... Jefferson Davis
Abraham Lincoln won what % of the popular vote in the election of 1860? 40%
Poorly designed apartment buildings... Tenements
Great interest in nature and rejection of established rules... Romanticism
Famous and daring conductor of the Underground Railroad... Harriet Tubman
Document stating "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall never exist"... Wilmot Proviso
President of first anti-slavery society in America... Benjamin Franklin
Divided Louisiana Purchase into two territories... Kansas-Nebraska Act
This made it difficult for foreigners to become citizens or hold office... Know Nothing Party
He was beaten unconscious by a walking cane by Preston Brooks... Charles Sumner
Idea tha political power belongs to the people... Popular Sovereignty
Started all-female academy in Hartford, CT... Catherine Beecher
Divided the Louisiana Purchase into either slave or free regions. Prohibited slavery north of the 36 30'... Missouri Compromise of 1820
Compromise where California would enter the Union as a free state... Compromise of 1850
Important prison reformer during t he mid-1800s Dorthea Dix
To formally withdraw-from the Union... Secede
She wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin... Harriet Beecher Stowe
This state was the first to secede from the United States... South Carolina
This made California grow so fast it had to apply for statehood before becoming a territory... Transportation Revolution
Escaped slavery at 20 and became one of the most important African American leaders in 1800s... Frederick Douglas
SHORT ANSWER: What were specific parts of the Fugitive Act? What did they include?
SHORT ANSWER: What was life like for African Americans and women in the 1800s? What important people and events led their movements?
Created by: maplelakesped
Popular History sets




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