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darling U11

Henry Clay Co-author of the comprmise of 1850
Stephen Douglas 1 Co-author of the comromise of 1850, proposed the Kansas-Nebraska act
Stephen Douglas 2 Believed in popular sovereignty, ran against Linkoln for senate in 1858; lost presidential election of 1860
John C. Calhoun opposed to the compromise of 1850; predicted disunion
Compromise of 1850 1 worke out when california applied for statehood
Compromise of 1850 2 outlawed slave trade in Washington D.C.
Compromise of 1850 3 Split meican cession into utah and new mexico, popular soverignty would decide slavery
Wilmot Proviso proposal to ban slavery in mexican cession
Fugitive Slave Act federal law that required northerners to assist in the capture of runaway slaves
Unce tom's cabin fictional work used to portray evils of slavery
Harriet Beecher Stowe author of uncle tom's cabin
James Bucannan democrat that won the election of 1856
Dred Scott Decision case involving a slave that sued for his freedom; ruled that slavery could spread anywhere in the US
Dred Scott V. Stanford supreme court case that ruled that slaves are property, not citizens, and that the missouri compromise and popular sovereignty are unconstitutional
Republican Party political party to stop the spread of slavery; made up of abolitionists, free-soilers, and northern whigs
Free Soil Party formed as a result of the wilmot proviso, first party to oppose slavery
Kansas-Nebraska Act law that repealed the missouri compromise, decided that popular sovereignty would settle status of slavery in louisiana
John Brown abolitionist that had pro-slavery people massacred in kansas; planned a slave rebellion in the south
Bleeding Kansas reference to the mini civil war that broke out as a result of the kansas-nebraska act
Charles Sumner northern senator that condemned violence in Kansas and was beat by a cane
Preston Brooks southern congressman that beat charles sumner for his remarks over bleeding kansas
John C. Freemont republican presidential candidate in 1856
Abraham Lincoln republican from illinois that opposed the expansion of slavery, elected president in 1860
A House Devided Lincoln's famous speech about the union falling apart over the issue of slavery; given during the Lincoln-Douglas debates
Lincoln-Douglas Debates seven debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas as they ran for the senate in 1858, made lincoln famous in the republican party
Roger Taney Chief justice in Dred scott V. Sandford
Election of 1860 presidential election in which four candidates ran for president, main issue was over the spread of slavery; republican abraham lincoln won an lead to southern secession
Harpers Ferry US army arsenal in virginia that john brown raided
Popular Sovereignty idea that the people of the territory should vote on the issue of slavery
Pottawatomie Creek Massacre when john brown hacked 5 pro-slavery people to death in bleeding kansas
Created by: james_robison
Popular History sets




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