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Exam #4

US History Since 1877

1. Which of the following statements characterizes race relations in the aftermath of World War I? At least 120 blacks were killed in racial violence in the United States by 1919.
2. Welfare capitalism emerged in the 1920s in part to stop unionization
3. Which of the following statements characterizes the Red Scare of 1919–1921? A series of 1919 bombings led Americans to associate radical political groups with violence.
4. Which of the following facts regarding Sacco and Vanzetti clearly biased the jury against them? they were communists
5. Which of the following statements describes the proceedings against Sacco and Vanzetti? Scholars still debate their guilt, but most agree that they did not receive a fair trial.
6. Which of the following statements most accurately characterized women’s political participation during the 1920s? Women did not vote as a bloc, as politicians had expected.
7. Harding campaigned on the platform of returning to “normalcy,” which meant he would be a common man in government rather than an intellectual.
8. As secretary of commerce under Warren Harding, Herbert Hoover believed that voluntary cooperation between government and business could replace regulation.
9. Which of the following statements characterizes the Scopes “monkey trial” of 1925? The trial quickly became a media circus.
10. How did the U.S. government change immigration restrictions during the 1920s? The National Origins Act set immigration quotas at 2% of each nationality as measured by the 1890 census.
11. How did the rejuvenated Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s differ from its Reconstruction-era form? The group targeted Catholics and Jews as well as blacks.
12. Which of the following describes Governor Alfred E. Smith, the Democratic presidential candidate in 1928? He was the first major-party presidential candidate to reflect the aspirations of the urban working class.
13. Which of the following statements was true of the Harlem Renaissance? The most visible part of the Harlem Renaissance to most whites was jazz music.
14. Which of the following describes 1920s jazz? Jazz represented a synthesis of African American music forms such as ragtime and the blues.
15. The Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) recommended that black Americans return to Africa to obtain the justice unavailable to them in the United States.
16. The growing pan-Africanism movement that began to emerge among blacks during the 1920s was spurred in part by black men's military service during World War I.
17. Which of the following terms did American writer Gertrude Stein use to describe Americans who had experienced World War I firsthand? The Lost Generation
18. Throughout the 1920s, the sector of the American economy in the worst shape was agriculture
19. The flapper, an icon of American culture, represented the emancipated woman of the 1920s.
20. How did American consumers respond to the economic situation in the early 1930s? Facing the possibility of hard times and unemployment, most Americans cut back.
21. Between 1929 and 1932, U.S. gross domestic production fell by one quarter
22. What percentage of the U.S. labor force was unemployed by 1933? 25%
23. Herbert Hoover asked Americans to do which of the following in response to the economic downtown in 1929? Tighten their belts and work hard.
24. Which tariff, passed in 1930, raised rates to an all-time high, further deepening the worldwide depression? Smoot-Hawley
25. Which of the following organizations did President Hoover create in 1931 to stimulate the economy through federal loans to major businesses in 1931 and 1932? Reconstruction Finance Corporation
26. Which of these protests caused Hoover’s popularity to plunge dramatically in 1932? bonus army
27. Which American ideal caused many Americans to blame themselves for their plight? the self-made man
28. Ratified in 1933, the Twentieth Amendment set subsequent inaugurations for January 20.
29. Who were Harold Ickes and Bernard Baruch? Two of Franklin Roosevelt's chief Brains Trust advisors
30. To avert further banking panics, during which accountholders raced to withdraw funds, the New Deal passed the Glass-Steagall Act in 1933.
31. The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) provided federal subsidies to farmers who cut farm production.
32. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) hired 250,000 young men to perform reforestation and conservation work.
33. On what basis did the U.S. Supreme Court strike down the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) in the Schechter v. United States decision? The NIRA illegally regulated commerce within individual states.
34. Why did Roosevelt drop a provision for national health insurance from the Social Security Act in 1935? The bill's compulsory pension and unemployment were already controversial
35. Why did New Deal legislation pass scrutiny by the Supreme Court more easily in Roosevelt’s second term? Liberals replaced several elderly conservative justices who retired.
36. Who was the first woman cabinet member, who served as Secretary of Labor? Frances Perkins
37. Which of the following was true of minorities during the New Deal? African Americans outside the South shifted their voting to the Democrats.
38. The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 reversed the Dawes Severalty Act and promoted tribal self-government
39. What was the significance of the New Deal? The programs expanded the federal government's presence both in the economy and in people's lives.
40. Which of the following was Roosevelt’s initial response to the Supreme Court’s declaration that the NRA, the AAA, and other New Deal legislation were unconstitutional? He asked Congress to impeach several justices.
Created by: hailey.francis
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