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Western Frontier

Manifest Destiny the 19th-century belief that it was the United States' destiny to expand westward to the Pacific and into Mexican territory
Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868) treaty requiring the Sioux to live on a reservation along the Missouri River
Santa Fe Trail route from Missouri to New Mexico, used by traders in the early and mid 1800s
Oregon Trail route from Missouri to Oregon, used by pioneers to travel to the Oregon territory
Mormons religion begun in New York City and was led west to Utah by Brigham Young
Texas Revolution (1836) 1836 rebellion in which Texas gained its independence from Mexico
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848) treaty ending the Mexican-American war, in which Mexico ceded California and New Mexico to the U.S.
Oregon Treaty (1846) agreement with Britain that established demarcation line between the United States and Canada along the 49th parallel
Alamo mission and fort in San Antonio, Texas, where Mexican forces massacred rebellious Texans in 1836
Sam Houston lawyer, politician, and soldier, who led U.S. forces into a fight to secure Texas against Mexico
Republic of California nation proclaimed by American settlers in California when they declared independence from Mexico in 1846
Gadsden Purchase (1853) American purchase of land from Mexico, establishing the present-day American-Mexican border
forty-niners people who migrated to California in search of riches after gold was discovered there in 1848
Homestead Act (1862) act that offered 160 acres of land to any farmer who could clear and farm the land in the West
Nez Pearce tribe that held lucrative trade agreements with the U.S. that began to break down in the 1860s, not wanting to be forced off their land in the Pacific Northwest
Sitting Bull Native leader that advocated that his people wanted to preserve their culture, political power, and ancestral land
Great Plains vast grassland that extends through the central portion of North America, east of the Rocky Mountains
George A. Custer American army officer dispatched to the West to fight Natives and was killed in the Battle of Little Bighorn
Dawes Act (1887) law intended to Americanize Natives by distributing reservation land to individual owners
Battle of Wounded Knee (1890) massacre by U.S. soldiers of 300 unarmed Native Americans
Popular U.S. History sets




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