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ww1 & 1920 q&a

What political, economic, and social factors motivated or justified American interest in imperialism after the Civil War? What were some of the arguments against imperialism? Some main arguments for imperialism were to spread Christianity, democracy, educate and civilize the natives, spread manifest destiny, and boost economy. Arguments against were selfish, anti-democratic, losing honor, and that it would hurt the colonies.
Identify and explain American involvement in territories around the world prior to the Spanish-American War. Alaska, Hawaii, Japan trading
Explain the causes of the Spanish-American War (War of 1898) and its major events. Cubans kept revolting US Maine, Teller Amendment Manilla boy- first American naval battle fought against a foreign power Rough riders- first U.S. Volunteer Cavalry under the leadership of Theodore Roosevelt Spanish defeated, Cuba independent
What were the consequences of the Spanish American War (War of 1898) for American foreign policy? Question over whether to take over the Philippines. Led to the Philippines/American War.
Explain the main elements and events in Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson’s foreign policies. In what ways were they similar and how were they different? Guided by their beliefs about U.S. involvement in world affairs. President Taft- dollar diplomacy President Wilson- moral diplomacy Taft and Wilson’s approaches to U.S. intervention varied, but both men left an impact on the development of the US
Why did the United States wish to stay neutral at the start of World War I? What factors made this difficult? They aimed to protect shipping and trading rights with Britain and German ships. The Britain Blockade
What ultimately led the United States to join the Allied cause in World War I? Reopen and maintain their trade with foreign countries Sinking of Lusitania showed that innocent people could die Zimmermann Telegrams from Germany US wanted economic gain to make alliance with Britain so they can trade through the blockade
Explain how the Wilson administration mobilized the home front, and analyze how mobilization efforts shaped American society. Drafted millions of young men Created new agencies- War Industries Board+ Food Administration The Great Migration- aa, Southern whites, Mexican Americans Women worked in defense industries. Curtailed civil liberties Espionage & Sedition Acts
Evaluate Woodrow Wilson's efforts to promote his plans for a peaceful world order as outlined in his Fourteen Points. Wilson partially successful in goals. TOV created LON & included "war guilt"- forced Germany in paying reparations for war damages-France & Britain. Wilson's refusal to compromise + alienation of Republic resulted in failure of Senate ratification.
Analyze the consequences of the war at home and abroad. Bolsheviks- Communist regime German, Austro-Hungarian replaced- smaller nation-states "war guilt" rise of Nazis. US leading world power Soldiers entered workforce Unemployment, prices, rose labor unrest First Red Scare Race riots 19Amendment
What factors led to the growth of a consumer culture in the 1920s and what was its impact on society? Mass production & consumption of nationally advertised products dictate life consumption was a necessity of being a US new emphasis on on spending/advertising/credit consumer debt tripled autos, movies, radio, aviation, mass popularity of sports
Describe other major new social and cultural trends and movements that became prominent during the twenties, and explain how they challenged traditional standards and customs. Jazz Age- F. Scott Fitzgerald Manners & Morals Sigmund Freud Flappers/other women housewives Harlem Renaissance Garveyism NAACP
Identify and explain examples of backlash against the new ideas and rapid changes during this decade. The red scare- used against labor unions, kkk, immigration, socialism, communism Sacco & Vanzetti Nativism- Fear of crime Stricter immigration laws, first quota system, act of 1924 KKK resurgence Prohibition, 18th amendment speakeasies, moonshine
Trace the Republican party’s dominance of the federal government during the twenties, and give examples of ways in which its policies reflected an attempt to “return to normalcy. Harding's "return to normalcy" Mellon Plan Commission & Court appointments friendly to business policies & species opposed racism Isolation+Foreign policy 5 power treaty Teapot dome scandal Chief business=business 3rd republican landslide
Created by: noor_b
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