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enzyme part 2

pepsin Enzyme that breaks down proteins in the stomach. Pepsinogen is activated by HCl.
lipase pancreatic enzyme necessary to digest lipids into fatty acids and glycerol
proteases pancreatic enzymes that break down proteins
alanine transaminase (ALT) Important liver enzyme that converts the amino acid alanine into pyruvate. Spills out into the blood when the liver cells are damaged.
lactase enzyme that breaks down the disaccharide lactose into glucose and galactose
deaminase enzyme that catalyzes the removal of an amino acid's amine group. Results in the waste product ammonia
ammonia A small, very toxic molecule (NH3) produced a a metabolic waste product of protein and nucleic acid deamination. The liver converts it into urea which is then excreted by the kidneys.
urea waste product formed in the liver, filtered out of the blood by the kidneys, and excreted in urine
bilirubin orange-yellow pigment in bile; formed by the breakdown of hemoglobin when red blood cells are destroyed
conjugation reactions a biochemical reaction that may improve the water solubility of a molecule by converting it to a derivative that contains a water-soluble group - in our case, we learned about how the liver conjugates bilirubin in order to be able to excrete it from the b
jaundice yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes caused by an accumulation of bile pigment (bilirubin) in the blood
Where is bilirubin conjugated? liver hepatocytes
thrombin enzyme that converts fibrinogen to fibrin during coagulation
fibrinogen plasma protein that is converted to fibrin (by the enzyme thrombin) in the clotting process
fibrin an insoluble protein formed from fibrinogen during the clotting of blood. It forms a fibrous mesh that impedes the flow of blood.
angiotensinogen a plasma protein produced by the liver - it is converted into angiotensin I by renin
glycolysis the breakdown of glucose into pyruvate; requires 11 different enzymatic reactions
citric acid cycle enzymatic reactions that completes the breakdown of glucose
ATP synthase enzyme that catalyzes the reaction that adds a high-energy phosphate group to ADP to form ATP
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