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Unit 3 Topic 2

Developing a Government

nation a large area that is controlled by its own government (county, national, federal)
government a system of rules/laws and the group of people who make/enforce them
monarchy a form of government in which one person (a king or queen) has a total rule
democracy a government that is ruled by the people
republic a form of government in which the people choose their leaders and representatives
ratify to officially approve
amend to change something for the better
representative someone who acts or speaks for another person or group of people
Founding Fathers the group of men helped with the Revolutionary War, signed the Declaration of Independence, and helped to write the Constitution
principle a basic law or truth on which action or behavior is based (Our country's laws are based on the principles of liberty and justice/all men are created equal)
Constitution a plan of government for the United States.
What does the Constitution do? tells how our government should be organized, describes the jobs of each part, and explains the rights of citizens
When was the Constitution signed? September 17, 1787
James Madison considered the Father of the Constitution because he played an important role in drafting the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights
What is the highest law in the United States The United States Constitution
What three parts is the Constitution organized into? Preamble, Articles, and Amendments
Preamble opening statement to the United States Constitution and helped explain why the Constitution was written
The Preamble requires the newly formed government of the United States to ________________. preserve America as a republic
What does the phrase mean? We the people of the United States All citizens of the United States
What does the phrase mean? in order to form a more perfect union to make the United States strong
What does the phrase mean? establish justice have rules and laws
What does the phrase mean? insure domestic tranquility to have peace in our country
What does the phrase mean? provide for the common defense have military to defend our country
What does the phrase mean? promote general welfare the government will take care of the people
What does the phrase mean? and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and out posterity secure freedom for ourselves and children
What does the phrase mean? do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America agree to everything in the Constitution
What do the Articles do? They establish how the government is structured (set up) and how the Constitution can be changed
How many articles are there? 7
What are the 3 Separate Branches of Government created by the Founding Fathers? The Legislative Branch (Congress), the Executive Branch (President), and the Judicial Branch (Supreme Court).
Separation of Powers the 3 branches of government
Legislative Branch power to make laws
Executive Branch makes sure laws are carried out
Judicial Branch interprets the laws
Why did the Founding Fathers create 3 branches of government? They wanted to create a government that did not allow one person to have all the power over the nation.
Checks and Balances The powers of the government are "balanced" between three branches. Each branch has different powers. Each branch has "checks" on it from the other branches that are meant to keep the branch from becoming too powerful.
Amendments changes/additions made to the Constitution to protect citizens' rights
Bill of Rights first 10 amendments
What does the Bill of Rights do? guarantees certain rights and protections to U.S. citizens by limiting the power of the federal government
Why was the Bill of Rights created? to protect people's rights if the government became abusive
Amendment 1 Freedom of Religion, Speech, the Press and the right to Assemble Peacefully and Petition
What does Amendment 1 allow? people to establish and practice their religion freely, and to speak their ideas and opinions, protects the rights of citizens to hold meetings and to petition the government, gives the press (newspaper, magazines) the right to publish the news and ideas.
Created by: Laurengstevens
Popular U.S. History sets




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