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Exam 1 - History 142

13th Amendment abolishes slavery (emancipation); allows prison labor; angered confederates
Share Cropping farming where you rent the land (then use the profit to pay rent); served as a temporary solution (help make some money, but owners of land are bitter so they charge outrageous prices); many remain on plantations they were living on before being freed
Freedman's Bureau government trying to find a solution for slaves; set up aide for previously enslaved people (food, hospitals, medical clinics, schools); 1 year/temporary
Black Codes series of laws produced to restrict rights of Black Americans; limit freedoms; can't serve on jury; cannot give testimony against Whites; lack of employment = children taken and set to work
14th Amendment citizenship; if born in America, then you are an American citizen
15th Amendment if you're a male, you have the right to vote; representation in government/have a say
Ku Klux Klan begins as veteran organization; evolved into a terrorist group discriminating against anyone who is black/votes differently than them (educated white middle class men)
Force Act of 1870 says it's illegal to deprive someone of their civil rights; US army/military occupying states post war for reconciliation and prevent further violence; 1877 military forced to leave due to president & violence returns
Jim Crow Laws even more than black codes; higher restriction; named after performers in menstral shows; poll taxes (pay to vote); literacy tests (designed for them to fail); using this system to retain slavery
Convict Leasing prison labor; a state can force people in prison to work for free; curfew laws/amount of debt; continues through 1920s
Lost Cause the past was better/ideal; southern belles and southern gentlemen who were respectable who were caretakers of society and people who were insalved were happy to be that way because they were taken care of; new justification of slavery
Racial Reconciliation two sides celebrated separately; than decided to celebrate together; blacks were asked to stop attending; ignored slavery and reason for war; reconcile by swiping things under the rug and ignoring them
Plessy v. Ferguson 1896; challenges louisiana law (blacks told to sit in another rail car); segregation is deemed constitutional
Populist Party formed by both races of farmers; almost converts us to 3 party system; 1892; fighting for economics and against Jim Crow laws; equal rights to all, special privileges to none
Wages of Whiteness superiority/benefit due to white skin
Lynching kill someone outside of the law; claim to be doing it in the name of justice; stripping them of rights; all details about individuals (person killed/killers); killers not put on trial; people take pictures w/dead; maintain "social order"
Ida B. Wells journalist investigating what is going on
Rednecks "sunburnt neck"; farmers; political stance through their bodies; farming identity
Social Darwinism becomes wealthy very quickly; invests his money; working hard = control; survival of the fittest; using this to justify what they're doing
Scientific Management developed b Frederick W. Taylor; watched workers; who are these people being so successful; have management observe workers; give workers rest/breaks; pay workers fair wages
Henry Ford starts with no money; known for mastering mass production; makes a lot of money and becomes really well known; starts by listening to Sci. Manag.; mass produced model T; becomes very micromanagy; offers english classes to workers; concept of assimilation
Nativism only true American if you meet certain criteria; against immigrants; racially degrading; against non-white, non-protestant indv. who do not speak english; define race not only by skin color
Muckrakers journalists who want to improve American society; identify issues as they see them and then publish it; bring attention/awareness to issues
Settlement Houses progressive men run houses; caring for people in society; organization providing support to immigrants; encourage/influence politics
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire 1911; primarily immigrant women; terrible working conditions (overcrowded, locked floors, piles of waste everywhere); 146 women die
National Women's Suffrage Association defence over want/right to vote; arguments - socially had a lot of influence on men; women were oppressed
Booker T. Washington slave; black Americans will attain equality as long as they live respectable/hardworking lives
WEB DuBois african americans must fight for equality through the political system; WNACP
Margaret Sanger controversial; birth control; works to make birth control legal; educate people on these things; bettering working class lives; women=desperate; gets arrested numerous times (goes to Europe)
Eugenics controls who has sex in American public' "breed a better race:" laws sterilizing specific people
Yellow Journalism used by the US media; printed exaggerated stories, even if they were not accurate to sell more stories; yellow = cheap color to print (found in most political cartoons); fights alongside Cuban people
Platt Amendment Cuba will provide guantanamo bay as a military base for the US; chosen as US laws do not apply in Cuba/on this base; Cuba must also have US permission prior to signing any treaty
Roosevelt Corollary Roosevelts perspective; extension of the monroe doctrine that applies to the western hemisphere; US will retaliate if they try to come; US intervenes with US-Latin affairs; actions speak louder than words; deemed "international police action"
Anti-Imperial League came in response to Spanish/American & Philippine/American wars; group is against torture & civil rights abuse; we should focus on our internal issues as a country
Lusitania British passenger ship with American people on it; gave notice of going over a war zone; weapons are on the ship itself; German submarine sinks the ship; angers Americans (due to loss of American lives)
Zimmerman Telegram British intelligence intercepts this telegram; sent from Germany to Mexico; Mexico should join the German side (will return property back to Mexico); gets published in US newspapers - angers US further
Selective Service 21-30; lottery system; if your number is chosen, you have to go serve; violates the 13th amendment (abolishing slavery)
War Industries Board factory owners asked to convert part of their factories over to help with the war efforts; group also created propaganda
Espionage Act government ban on material critical to the war; ex: no mass mailing
Sedition Act says it's illegal to publicly speak out against the war/government/constitution; direct violation to freedom of speech (1st Amendment); people clearly are against the war
Donut Dollies salvation army & red cross volunteers; primarily white women; do things to help soldiers; distraction from having sex in their freetime
American Women's League for Self-Defense formed due to the war; learning self-defense; how to physically restrain a man/to operate a gun; need to fend country if Germans attack
Created by: ewilkinson
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