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US History

13th Amendment emancipation of slaves, imprisonment allows enslavement
sharecropping lending land and farming it, paying rent for percentage of crop, people were never able to get out of debt
Freedman's Bureau temporary government agency that set up temporary needs for people out of slavery (food, school, medical care)
black codes resisting problem of reconciling, series of laws to restrict African Americans
14th Amendment Born in U.S.= guaranteed voting rights and citizenship of that person
15th Amendment If you are a man (even black man), voting for people who represent you
Klu Klux Klan started by confederate veteran organization, evolves into terrorism against groups that disagree
Force Act (1870) Illegal to rob someone of their civil rights
Jim Crow Laws placed poll taxes and literacy tests to prevent black people from voting
Convict leasing prison labor, state can force people who are in prison to work, replicates slavery, benefits plantation owners and big businesses
"Lost Cause" idea of former confederacy, pre-Civil War time was better, Civil War destroyed lives, romanticized south, people who were enslaved were happy
racial reconciliation South stops talking about slavery, black people celebrate Emancipation Day instead
Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896-1954) Plessy challenges Louisiana law, is it constitutional for civil rights to be taken away? ruling=separate but equal
lynching violent killings outside the law, mobs say they were doing it for justice, mainly in former confederate states
Ida B. Wells journalist that unpacks lynching and what is going on behind it
rednecks sunburned neck, farmers made political statement of their class status, shows superiority over black sharecroppers
Populist Party farmer's party, formed in 1892, uniting despite race, tackles Jim Crow laws, equal rights to all, special privileges to none
Social Darwinism survival of the fittest, richest people survive
scientific management how to get most out of workers, having management observe them, encouraged breaks for workers
Fredrick W. Taylor created theory of scientific management
Henry Ford started with no money, becomes known for mastering mass production, makes lots of money, keeps close tabs on workers, anti-immigration
Nativitism true American if you meet certain requirements, anti-immigrant, defined by culture not skin color
muckrackers journalists who want to improve society, calling out problems how they see it and published it in newspapers, racking up muck of society and drawing attention to it
temperance movement no alcohol, prostitution and gambling=illegal, rules for higher quality of society
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory worst industrial accident up to that point in U.S. history, mostly immigrants, horrifies Americans, changes labor laws, 146 women died
National Women's Suffrage Movement (NAWSA) has meeting with president to try and make change, peaceful, less radical
National Women's Party picketing, more radical, protesting, less peaceful approach
Booker T. Washington enslaved, becomes author and speaker, believes that people eventually achieve equality by living respectable and hardworking lives
W.E.B DuBois was not enslaved but his family was, fight using the political system, founded NAACP
Margret Sanger controversial at the time, less controversial now, nurse, coined the term birth control, tries to make birth control legal, thinks by educating women the country can stop the cycle of poverty
Eugenics less controversial then, more controversial now, controlling who has sex and who does not, claims to be breeding better Americans
Yellow journalism used by media, sell more newspapers, prints exaggerated headlines, yellow was cheapest print
Platt Amendment Cuba will provide Guatalmelian bay as military base for U.S, Cuba must run treaties with other countries by the U.S., U.S. can intervene with Cuba if there is a conflict of interest
Roosevelt Corollary extension of Monroe Doctrine (Europe stays out of North and South America), Roosevelt's perspective, U.S. intervenes in Latin American
Anti-Imperialist League formed in response of the 2 wars, formed in 1899, against torture and argues human right abuse, crisis of identity
Lusitania British passenger ship, Americans on board, ship went through war zone to Europe, German submarine sinks ship, 128 Americans die
Zimmerman Telegram British intelligence, intercepts telegram, sent from Germany to Mexico, if Mexico allies with Germany they will get territory back
Selective Service creation of draft, men ages 21-30 have to register, if number is pulled you have to serve in the military
War Industries Board works with businesses to produce things for the war effort
Espionage Act government ban on material that is critical to the war, nothing against war effort
Sedition Act illegal to publicly speak out against the war
Donut Dollies women who are volunteers for the salvation army and red cross, primarily white women, makes food, organizes games and dances
American Women's League of Self Defense forms because of war, women learning self defense, teach women how to use guns, controversial
Fourteen Points document to try to prevent further wars, wanted League of Nations, acts as meditator
Created by: lwomer
Popular U.S. History sets




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