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Ancient India

6th Grade

Why do we think the Indus Valley Civilization had a strong, organized government? They built 2 identical cities on opposite sides of a river (very far away)
What were weights and measurements like? Average
What was underground in each city? A sewage system
What possible defenses did cities have? A citadel and large city walls
What material was used to build the cities? [baked] clay bricks
How large were the cities? There were many small cities
What were roads like? Straight, even, and built at right angles
What was the main economic activity of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro? agriculture (and trade)
What may have been used as money in Mohenjo-Daro? What evidence do we have to support this idea? grain because archaeologists found weights and scales inside the citadel (where they kept their grain).
Why do we think the Indus Civilization may have collapsed? Natural disaster, climate change, malnutrition, invasion
Where did the Aryans migrate from? Central Asia
What were the main social classes of the Aryans? Brahmin, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Sudras,
Which class held most of the power? Brahmin
Which classes held the least power? Sudras held least power.
Who were Brahmin? Priests
Who were Kshatriyas? Warrioirs
Who were Vaisyas? Herders, farmers, craftspeople, traders,
Who were Sudras? laborers and servants
What are the Vedas? prayers/religous stories/poems
What is Rig Veda? main collection of Vedas
How did the Aryans change as they migrated into India? They changed from being nomads to having homes and from hunter gatherers to farmers and herders.
What was the population of Harappa? about 50,000
What is the caste system? the way society was organized according to the Vedas
What were the Vadas written in later? Sanskrit
What was people's place in society according to their birth called? Caste system
Created by: LeahKho
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