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Constitution Test

Study Material for Constitution Test

Preamble (First Half) We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,
Preamble (Second Half) provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty, to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution, for the United States of America.
Article One Legislative Branch
Bi-cameral Two house system
What are the two houses? Senate and House of Representative
Senate and Senators 2 votes and senators per state; 100 members in the senate; 30 years old; a citizen for 9 years; inhabitant from the state they were elected from; 6 yr term
House of Representatives Based on population; 435 members; 25 years old; citizen for 7 years; inhabit the state they are elected from; 2 yr term
Article Two Executive Branch
President term of four year; two term limit; natural born citizen; 35 years old; been a resident of the USA for 14 years
Vice-President successor to the president if something would happen; four year term; two term limit; breaks ties in the Senate
Article Three Judicial Branch
Supreme Court 9 justices, one of which is chief justices; mainly an appeal court;
President Pro Tempore of the Senate presides over Senate in absence of Vice-Presdident
Enumerated Powers powers reserved for the federal government; coin money, regulate interstate and foreign trade, maintain armed forces, and create federal courts
Reserved Powers powers reserved for the states; establish schools, pass marriage and divorce laws, and regulate intrastate trade
Concurrent Powers powers shared by federal and state governments; raise taxes, borrow money, provide for public welfare, and administer criminal justice
Implied Powers powers not specifically stated; regulate immigration, military draft, and set minimum wage
How can an amendment be passed? 2/3 vote in both houses of Congress or 3/4 vote of the states conventions
Who approves laws last? president
What is it called when a president declines a law? veto
The Congressional Report contains debates, laws, and other information about the Legislative Branch
What cases does the Supreme Court have original jurisdiction over? cases concerning ambassadors, prime ministers, and disputes between states
Who has sole power to impeach? House of Representatives
Where would an impeachment trial be held? Senate
Who elects the president? Electoral College
When was the Constitution passed? 1789
When was the Bill of Rights passed? 1791
Who does the Executive Branch include? The president, vice-president, and members of the cabinet
Bill of Rights First ten amendments
1st amendment freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and to petition the government
2nd amendment right to bear arms (guns)
5th amendment government must follow law (due process) before punishing a person
8th amendment government can not demand excessive bail or fines, or any cruel and unusual punishment
16th amendment congress can tax income
18th amendment alcohol is illegal (prohibition)
19th amendment all US citizen females can vote
20th amendment president is inaugurated in January and Congress meets in January
21st Amendment Alcohol is legal; states can make laws about selling, drinking, and making alcohol
22nd amendment President can not serve for more than two terms
26th amendment citizens 18 yrs and older can vote
27th amendment congress must limit how much and when its members are paid
Created by: guarino27
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