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D of Ind

Declaration of Independence

abolish formally put an end to something
abolitionist someone working to end slavery
congress a group of people who make laws for their country, or a formal meeting or series of meetings for discussion between delegates
delegate a person sent to represent others, in particular an elected representative sent to a government meeting
liberty the quality or state of being free, the freedom to do as one pleases, freedom from physical restraint
revolution an overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system, or a dramatic and wide-reaching change in the way something works or is in people's ideas about it
unalienable unable to be taken away or given away, non negotiable
Abigail Adams Married to John Adams, Gave John Adams advice on politics
John Adams Colonial leader fighting for Independence, Second President of the US
Benjamin Banneker Self educated African American scientist, Wrote a letter to Jefferson opposing slavery
Frederick Douglass Formerly enslaved abolitionist, Speech “What to the Slave is the 4th of July?”
Benjamin Franklin Colonial leader and inventor, Advised Jefferson on the Declaration of Ind.
Elizabeth Freeman First enslaved woman freed under MA constitution, Used words from D of Ind to fight for freedom
John Hancock President of the Second Continental Congress, First to sign the Declaration of Independence
Robert Hemmings Enslaved by Thomas Jefferson, Jefferson’s attendant when he wrote the Declaration of Ind.
Thomas Jefferson Wrote the Declaration of Independence, Third President of the US
George Washington, Commander of the American army, First president of the US
Where did the Second Continental Congress meet? Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
What did delegates debate at the Second Continental Congress? Whether or not to declare themselves an independent nation, separate from Great Britain and King George
What did the delegates send to King George to avoid war? How did he respond? Olive Branch Petition - they wanted to work out their differences peacefully, King George rejected it
What was the Committee of Five’s job? Write a document declaring independence from Great Britain and King George
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson
What is the Declaration of Independence? Document that announced the American colonies' separation from Great Britain and their plans to form a new nation with a separate government.
What was the most significant change made by the delegates to the original Declaration of Independence? A deletion of the section blaming King George for slavery, they wanted no mention of slavery in the document
When was the Declaration of Independence officially adopted by the congress? July 4, 1776
Created by: Prochaska
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