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chapter 10

lesson 2

during Jackson's presidency what was the regional difference for the north manufacturing, tariffs to sell American goods cheaper
during Jackson's presidency what was the regional difference for the south agriculture, opposition to tariffs on increasing cost of imported goods
during Jackson's presidency what was the regional difference for the west emerging economy, internal imporovements and the sale of public lands
in 1827 what did Northern manufactures demand tariff on imported wool goods, to provide protection against foreign competition
why did southerns oppose a tariff it would hurt their economy
before Jackson became president what did congress pass high tariff on imports
what did the south call the conflicts of tariffs tariffs on abominations
what was Jackson forced to deal with growing conflicts over tariffs
at the heart of a growing conflict over tariffs what disregard to law was passed by Congress individuals states rights
who was the Vice President that supported the south John C. Calhoun
what did Calhoun advance states' right doctrine
why was the states power greater than the federal power because the states formed a national government
states could do what nullify, or reject, any law that was judge unconstitutional
how was Calhoun's theory viewed controversial
what did Calhoun's theory produce nullification crisis
states right doctrine said that since the states had roped the national government, state power should be greater than federal power
nullification crisis conflict between the supporters and the opponents of nullification depended. The dispute became known this
in 1798-99 what was the early discussions on states rights kentucky and virginia resolutions
who debuted who in senate on nullification Robert Hane and Daniel Webster
what did Webster argue US was one nation, not a packed among independent states
in 1832 what did Jackson urge congress to pass lower tariff rate
Jackson opposed nullification but was was he worried about the southern economy
South Carolina enacted _____ to void tariffs Nullification act
after the nullification act what did congress pass another low tariff compromise
what continued after the civil war states rights controversy
what did Jackson always not support federal power
what did Jackson oppose second bank of the US
why did Jackson believe second bank was unconstitutional only states should have banking power
why did southern states oppose the bank they claimed it only helped the wealthy
what did McColugh v. Maryland what was the ruling national bank was constitutional
what did McColough do at the bank refused to pay taxes that limited the bank's operations
in 1832 wha did Jackson veto renewal of the banks charter
in 1836 when Jackson choose not to run in the election who was elected VP Martin Van Buren
Van Buren defeated 4 candidate nominated by who whig party
what was the panic of 1837 severe economic depression following the election
what contributed to the panic Jackson ecenomic policies
what whig candidate defeated Van Buren in 1840 William Henry Harrison
what was manifest destiny a time when everything was dark then it came to light
what happened in 1846 bear flag revolt
what knowledge and tradiition allso shaped many local economies
Created by: RandomUser
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