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Misc Court Cases

AP Gov; not must-knows

Tinker v. Des Moines Vietnam war, black armbands; first amendment, expression. Students win.
Morse v. Frederick “Bong hits for Jesus” on school sponsored event; can school regulate speech outside of school? School wins.
Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier Newspaper taken up for stories about pregnancy and divorce. First amendment, speech/press. Can schools regulate student voice on school related things? School wins.
Mahoney School District v. B.L. Student curses out cheer team after failing to make varsity, gets kicked off team. Can schools regulate speech off-campus? Student wins.
Engel v. Vitale BoE authorizes voluntary prayer before class (it happens, no need to participate). Does this violate establishment clause of 1st amendment? Yes; BoE loses.
McCullom v. BoE School allows 3rd parties to conduct voluntary religious classes on school hours in the building. Does this violate 1st amendment? Yes; school loses.
McColluch v. Maryland Federalism, gain power; State cannot tax bank of U.S.
U.S. v. Lopez Federalism, lose power; Gun Free School Zones Act, regulating interstate commerce
Wisconsin v. Yoder First Amendment, religion; Amish take their kids out of school
New York Times v. U.S. First Amendment, press; Pentagon Papers
Schenk v. U.S. First Amendment, speech; espionage act, draft dodgers pamphlet
Gideon v. Weinwright Selective Incorporation, 6th amendment right to counsel applies to states too
McDonald v. Chicago Selective Incorporation, 2nd amendment; Chicago can’t put a ban on guns
Brown v. BoE Equal protection, overturned Plessy, “equal but separate” is unconstitutional
Citizens United v. Federal Election Committee Campaign Finance, “corporations are people too”; Hillary the movie
Baker v. Carr Legislative reappointment; Tennessee, “one person one vote”
Shaw v. Reno Legislative reappointment; North Carolina, no racial gerrymandering
Marbury v. Madison First case to cut a congressional act; established judicial review
Created by: Olizoli
Popular American Government sets




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