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US Neutrality

Word that can describe the period between 1919-1931? isolation
What happened in 1919 ? US Rejects TOV
What happened in 1921? Immigration Restriction Law
What happened in 1928? Kellogg-Briand Pact
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) Agreement to outlaw war signed by 15 nations which included US, France, GB, and Germany
What happened in 1932? Good Neighbor Policy
Good Neighbor Policy (1932) 1) FDR promised the US would interfere less in Latin American affairs 2) He withdrew troops from DR and Haiti 3) He gave Haiti control over their national bank again 4) He reduced US’s influence in Panama
What word can describe the period between 1931- 1937/1938 isolation x 100
What happened in 1934? General Billy Mitchell warned Japan is the US’s greatest enemy due to their aggressive expansion threatening trade w China
What happened in 1935? Merchants of Death written
Merchants of Death (1935) 1) Book that exposed the international arms traffic specifically the involvement of US banks and corporations in financing WW1 2) Made people wanted to stay out of future wars
What happened between 1934-1936 Nye Committee hearings
Nye Committee hearings (1934-1936) 1) Congressional committee that investigated the involvement of US banks and corporations in financing WW1 & supplying weapons to allies 2) Made people more suspicious of big business
What happened between 1935 - 1937? Neutrality Acts
Neutrality Acts 1) Prevent circumstances that led to US joining WW1 2) outlawed arms sales or loans to nations at war 3) Americans can't ride on hostile ships
Did FDR support the neutrality acts not really bc it didn't distinguish victims from aggressors
What word describes the period of 1937/1938-1939 for the US fear: war is coming
When was the quarantine speech 1937
quarantine speech 1) FDR gives speech suggesting peaceful nations should quarantine/isolate aggressive nations 2) Gets backlash because public doesn’t think US should get involved in world affairs.
what happened in 1938? Ludlow amendment
Ludlow Amendment (1938) 1) Louis Ludlow, congressman, proposed a constitutional amendment that required a national referendum on any US declaration of war unless the US was attacked 2) Had a lot of support but wasn’t passed
When was the War of the World's Broadcast? 1938
War of the World's Broadcast (1938) 1) Broadcast that reported an alien invasion in Princeton, NJ 2) Caused widespread panic bc people thought it was real 3) Some thought the Germans had attacked the US
What did the US do between 1938-1939? prepare for war
War preparation (1938-1939) 1) FDR asks congress for $300 million for military 2) Instructed army air crops to build 20,000 planes annually 3) Submitting to congress a $1.3 billion defense budget
What describes the period between 1939-1941 for the US? help GB fight so the U.S doesn't have to
What happened in 1939? Cash and Carry
Cash and Carry (1939) 1) FDR revises neutrality acts so belligerent nations can purchase weapons in the US if they pay cash & carry the weapons away in their own ships. 2) Still want to stay out of the war, but also want to help allies
Destroyer Deal (1940) US gives 50 destroyers to GB in exchange for leases on British air and naval bases in the west
what happened in 1940 Destroyer Deal
What else happened in 1940? Selective Service Act
Selective Service Act (1940) 1) All men 21 to 45 must register for draft 2) First peacetime draft
What happened in 1941? Lend-Lease
Lend-Lease (1941) Bill passed that allows FDR to lend or lease war supplies to any nation vital to defense of US
What was the Atlantic charter (1941) Mutual ideal of a postwar world between FDR and Churchill that was similar to Wilson’s 14 points
What else happened in 1941 sinking of the Reuben James
Sinking of the Reuben James (1941) 1) German u-boat sinks US destroyer killing 115 of 160 men onboard 2) FDR convinces congress to allow merchants ships to be armed
What else happened in 1941? US occupies Greenland
Greenland occupation (1941) US occupies Greenland to prevent Nazis who invaded Denmark from gaining control
What happened between 1940-1941? economic warfare on Japan
economic warfare on Japan (1940-1941) 1) To stop japanese expansion, US initatied an oil embargo against Japan to hurt them economically. 2) FDR froze all Japansase assets
what happened in January of 1941 FDR’s Four Freedom Speech
FDR’s Four Freedom Speech (1/6/41) FDR delivers speech giving reasons why the US should abandon isolationist approach in order to create a world where everyone is free
What happened at the end of 1941? Peace talks with Japan
Peace talks with Japan (11/5/41) 1) Japan and US want to avoid war but refuse to compromise 2) Japan continues to occupy Indochina and China 3) the US keeps trade restrictions
Created by: kayla57575
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