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Causes WW2

What happened in Manchuria 1931? 1) Japan invades Manchuria China for raw materials and market expansion 2) China is weak due to being cut into spheres of influence
Background history about Japan 1) isolationist 2) big population 3) believe they're master race 4) nationalism, no individualism
How did the LON respond to Manchuria invasion? 1) sends Lytton Commission to investigate & find Japan is in the wrong 2) Japan leaves the LON & keeps Manchuria
When did the Nazis seize Germany? 1933
events leading up to Nazis seize Germany 1933 1) G suffering from Depression, Hitler takes advantage 2) hitler joins Nationalist Socialist German Worker’s party (later becomes Nazis) 3) He rises ranks, leads revolution against gov (Beer Hall Putsch 1923)
What happened after Beer Hall Putsch 1) Coup fails, hitler goes to jail for treason 2) In jail, Hitler writes Mein Kampf, plans to achieve power democratically 3) Hitler gets out, runs campaign, gets 37% of vote 4) He charms business and military
Reichstag Fire 1933 1) Nazi burn gov building and blame it on communists 2) Ppl give hitler full power so he will stop communists
Why did Germany exit LON in 1933? Hitler thought if Japan could do it then so could he
What happened to Ethiopia in 1935 1) Mussolini wants to invade Ethiopia bc only free African country left 2) He says Italians are being mistreated by Ethiopian gov which is a lie 3) Italy invades Ethiopia, nobody helps Ethiopia 4) LON sends committee but nothing happens
Background on Mussolini 1) fascist Italian dictator 2) came to power in 20s 3) said he wanted to clean up corrutpion 4) wanted to rebuild Roman Empire
What did Hitler do in 1936 Remilitarized the Rhineland
Rhineland Remilitarized 1) TOV allows France to exploit the Rhineland in G for resources/industry from Saar 2) Hitler is upset & wants land back 3) Hitler takes huge risks & sends troops to Rhineland, remilitarizes 4) GB and F don’t stop him, Hitler takes Saar
What else did Hitler do in 1936? Rome-Berlin Axis Pact
Rome-Berlin Axis Pact 1) Hitler thinks Mussolini is an idiot, but signs alliance with him anyway 2) Alliance is Hitler’s 1st mistake 3) G gets access to islands
What happened between 1936 - 1939? Spanish Civil War
Spanish Civil War 1) Facist Francisco Franco attacks monarchy/democracy 2) Hitler & Mus support Franco & give him tanks/soldiers 3) They want to gain an ally but also combat experience in new warfare 4) GB, F, US don’t offer much aid to side fighting Franco
Which side wins Spanish civil war? Franco and the nationalists
What happened in 1937 1) Japan does massive invasion of China, all out war 2) Japan takes Great wall, shows no mercy 3) Nanjing Rape/Massacre, 370,00 dead, 80,000 raped
What happened in 1938? Anschluss
Anschluss (1938) Hitler berates Kurt Von Schuschnigg, Austrian Chancellor, into merging Austria into Germany
What else happened in 1938 Sudetenland taken
Sudetenland (1938) 1) In Czechoslovakia, many Germans live there 2) Hitler says Czechs are abusing Germans & he will violently take Sudetenland if issue isn’t resolved 3) Hitler invites GB & F to resolve issue, acts very nice, Czechs not invited
Result of Hitler meeting with GB & F over Sudetenland 1938? 1) Munich Pact 2) GB & F allow Hitler to take back Sudetenland, Hitler promises to not take anything else 3) GB celebrates bc they believe they achieved world peace
What happened in 1939? Hitler takes all of Czechoslovakia
What did the Soviet Union & Hitler do in 1939? Non aggression Pact
Non aggression Pact (1939) 1) Hitler signs w Soviet Union even though they aren’t friends 2) Splits up Poland 3) Hitler is scared of another 2 front war 4) G can now put all focus on F 5) Stalin expects pact will be broken
Created by: kayla57575
Popular History sets




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