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Period 6

Gilded Age(1865-1898) A period of not expansion but now settling
Transcontinental Railroad A railroad that connected the East and West regions of America
Central Pacific Railroad Built from West to East Generally Asian Immigrants
Union Pacific Railroad Built from East to West Generally European Immigrants
Promontory Point, Utah(1869) The point where the railroad was finished
Government Contract Paid money for building the railroad lines Paid more for building more
Chinese Immigrants Chinese men were hired to work the construction of the Western line Faced discrimination & unequal treatment
First Railroad Strike(1867) Started by Chinese laborers
Railroad Corruption Scandal Under Grant Administration Construction scam conducted by Union Pacific Railroad Executives pocketed a lot of money
US Census closed(1890) Census officially closed the frontier(settled)
Turner's Frontier Thesis(1893) Frontier was symbolic of independence, rugged individualism, economic opportunity, and equality
Cowboys Were meant to herd cows Made up of a very diverse group of people
The Long Driver(1866-1888) Over 6 million cattle are driven north from Texas Railroads help start and end the Long Drive
Homestead Act(1862) Promoted settlement of the Great Plains Homesteaders would raise ranches and work the land
Mining Boom Miners find copper for electrical age Though job was hard from heat, dangers, and stuff
California Gold Rush(1848) Caused 1st flood of newcomers
Pikes Peak Gold Rush & Comstock Lode Silver Rush(1859) Created boomtowns overnight Towns that had saloons(bars) and vigilante justice Dozens of different cultural and ethnic groups
Sioux Treaty/ Laramie Treaty(1851) Cuz of gold rush, lots of people inflooding Native land Treaty to prevent this 2nd treaty in 1868 but not enforced still
Battle of Bighorn(1876) Sitting Bull leads a coalition of tribes to defend land Last significant Native American victory
Sitting Bull Was the Native leader of the Lakota tribe
US vs Sioux Nation of Indians(1980) Supreme Court ruled that tribals lands covered under Laramie Treaty and the tribes were owed land Tribes want land, not the money that is offered
Extermination of Buffalo Buffalo was essential to the Natives Were hunted to the point of extinction
Indian Appropriation Act(1871) Ended recognition of tribes as independent nations and nullified all previous treaties Loss of sovereignty
Dawes Act(1887) Act designed to break up tribal organizations Divided tribal lands into plots of acres and many were sold
Carlisle Indian Industrial School(1879-1918) Designed to "educate & civilize" Natives A model for schools of reservation
Sand Creek Massacre(1864) US army carried out surprise attack on Native tribes
Ghost Dance Last effort to try to preserve their culture Government viewed it as weird and with distrust
The Gilded Age(1865-1900) Considered the 2nd Industrial Revolution Unprecedented prosperity and economic growth on the surface Deep rooted problems beneath the surface
Gilded Gold plated but ugly on the inside
Team Captains Cornelius Vanderbilt(Shipping & Railroads) Andrew Carnegie(Steel) J.P. Morgan(Banking) John Rockefeller(Oil)
Laissez-Faire Capitalism Hands off that was the standard
Social Darwinism Survival of the fittest is applied to society
Gospel of Wealth(1889) Allows businesses and wealthy to accumulate wealth but still can return that wealth to the people
Vertical Integration Owning the means of production for the good
Horizontal Integration Merging or acquiring another of the same industry
Monopoly Business that dominates & controls all aspects of the market for a good
Trusts Groups of businesses who work together to achieve the same level of control asa monopoly
Henry Bessemer and Bessemer Process(1856) New processing method for steel Increased output and quality of metal products
Telegraph(1844) Connected the world and nation industries through improvement in communication
Alexander Graham Bell and the Telephone(1876) Developed from expansion of communication and its capabilities to spread info
Thomas Edison and Electricity Improvement of electrical capabilities led industries use less water power
Menlo Park Laboratory that housed some of the best scientists Where lightbulb was invented
Child Labor Children were hired for simple work but paid less
National Labor Union(1866) First attempt to organize workers in all states Campaigned for better working hours and wages
Knights of Labor(1869) Opened its membership to all members including African Americans Advocated for abolition of child labor
Union Busting Techniques Lockouts: Closing factories to break movements Blacklisting: Names of pro-union workers circulating Yellow-dog contracts: Workers had to sign agreement to not join a union
Great Railroad Strike(1877) One of the worst labor outbreaks More than 100 were killed Railroad company had cut wages to adopt the new costs
Haymarket Bombing(1866) Workers held a meeting in Haymarket square Police attempted to break it up and someone threw a bomb People viewed Union movements as too radical and violent
Pullman Strike(1892) Pullman had cut wages and fired those who attempted to bargain with him Workers ended up laying down tools and went to Union Union leaders were arrested
Homestead Strike(1894) Cut wages by a lot Used weapons and guards to put down the proceeding strike
Wabash vs Illinois(1886) Supreme court case where states cannot pass laws to regulate railroads Used 14th amendment to protect corporations`
Interstate Commerce Act(1886) Required railroad rate to be "reasonable & just" Set up ILL with power to investigate violence But ILL was prone to corruption
Sherman Antitrust Act(1890) First measure by Congress to restrict trusts forming Badly worded so trouble reinforcing A supreme court case that only applied to commerce not manufacturing
First wave of Immigration(1607-1830) Was mostly English, Dutch, and French Came for political/economic purposes Easily assimilated
2nd wave of Immigration(1830-1880s) Was mostly Irish, Germans, & Chinese Ran from famine & war Came for economic prosperity
3rd wave of Immigration(1880-1920s) Was mostly Southern/Eastern Europeans Came for economic/political reasons
Chinese Exclusion Act(1882) Placed a ban on all new immigrants from China
Immigration Act(1882) Restricted immigration of those who were poor, convicts, criminals, etc.
Ellis Island(1892) Immigration center
Ethnic Neighborhoods Maintained culture, language, religion, etc. More difficulty assimilating Landlords divided up existing buildings so super crammed
Urbanization Industrial jobs brought people to the cities(international/internal migration) Supported by new tech-streetcars
Tenement House Act of 1867 Required fire escapes from suites as well as windows in each room
Tenement Reform Law of 1879 Set minimum requirement for "fresh air"
Political Machines Controlled politics in major cities
Political Bosses Head of these political machines Gave out jobs and opportunities for votes
Social Gospel Movement Christianity said stuff about having to deal with urban poverty
Know-Nothing Party(1850) The nativist feeling begins to fade after Civil War
Chinese Exclusion Act(1882) Banned new immigrants from China & prohibited citizenship
Immigration Act(1882) Banned immigration of "undesirable" peoples
Contract Labor Law(1885) Restricted temporary workers to protect American workers
Literacy tests Tests for immigrants
Party Patronage Loyal party members get the jobs No more platforms and all that
Gilded Age Republicans Were pro-business Favor of high protective tariffs
Gilded Age Democrats Solid South Pro-business Low tariffs
Settlement Houses Inspired middle-class reformers to settle into immigrant neighborhoods to relieve effects of poverty
Halfbreeds Republicans were split and factions called each other halfbreeds
Mugwumps Those on Republicans that did NOT utilize patronage
Election of 1880 Republicans narrowly win with Garfield
Andrew Garfield Considered a halfbreed
Hard vs Soft money Biggest debate for politics was over how to expand money system Whether to be backed by gold standard and what not
Greenback Party Supported paper money not back by anything Though this did happen to die out quickly
Election of 1888 Republicans won under platform for high tariffs
The Populist Party(1896) Party emerges from frustrated farmers demanding more wealth Not seeing success from industrialization
Election of 1896 Democrats are divided over the gold/silver debate Republican McKinley wins Marks the transition into the progressive era
Cross of Gold speech William Jennings Bryan emerges as "silver" candidate and gives some speech how America won't die on the cross of gold
Abuse of Gilded Age Led to a depression in the 1890s and rise of Radicalism
Progressive Era(1892-1917) Gilded Age transition into reform
Muckrakers Writers who provided detailed info about corruption Was originally insult but coined by writers
American Socialist Party Few radicals who established the Socialist party Promote workers solidarity
The Progressives Mostly made up of middle class Use govt as agency of human welfare
Photographers Writers and photographers brought attention to the terrible living conditions, workers rights, food quality, urbanization etc.
Tenement House Act of 1901 First such laws to ban construction of dark and poorly ventilated tenement buildings in New York
Elkins Act(1903) Strengthened regulatory of ICC to stop railroads from granting rebates to favored customers
Rebates Refund to peeps
Hepburn Act(1906) More ICC sstrenghtening
Pure Food and Drug Act(1906) Forbade manufactured , sale, or transportation of mislabeled food
Clayton Antitrust Act(1914) Strengthened provision of Sherman Antitrust Act
Reform, Acts, and Amendments Just a whole bunch of improvements
New South Urges South to abandon agrarian econ for a modern econ with industry
Sharecropping owners allow tenants to use land in return for a share of crops
Booker T Washington Focused on progress of civil reform through education and econ
Progressive Era Presidents Teddy Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson
Square deal Teddy wanted fairness to labor, capital, and public Would essential mediate
Good vs Bad trusts Good trusts would create products and not abuse powers
Created by: whnd
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