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Ch 12 vocab

US History Ch 12 vocabulary

Convention of 1818 Agreement between the US and G. Britain that settled fishing rights and established new N.American borders
Adams-Onis Treaty Agreement in which Spain gave up all of Florida to the United States
Monroe Doctrine President James Monroe's statement forbidding further colonization in the Americas and declaring that the US would view any attempt as a hostile act
Missouri Compromise agreement proposed by Henry Clay that allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state and Maine to enter a free a state state; outlawed slavery in territories north of 36 30 line
American System Henry Clay's plan for raising tariffs to pay for internal improvements such as roods and canals
Cumberland Road first federal road project; ran from Maryland to W.Virginia
Erie Canal canal that ran from Albany to Buffalo, New York
nominating conventions meetings where a political party selects its presidential and vice presidential candidates
Democratic party Political party formed by supporters of Andrew Jackson after the presidential election of 1824.
spoils system politician's practice of giving government jobs to their supporters
kitchen cabinet President Andrew Jackson's group of informal advisors; so called because they sometimes met in the White House kitchen
states' rights belief that the power of the federal government regarding the states is strictly limited
nullification crisis a dispute between S.Carolina and the federal government in the 1820's over the state's right to nullify (cancel) unpopular law
Whig party political party formed by opponents of Andrew Jackson in 1834 who supported a strong legislature
Panic of 1837 a financial crisis in the US that lead to an economic drepression
Indian Removal Act Congressional act that authorized the removal of American Indians who lived east of the Mississippi River
Indian Territory area covering most of present day Oklahoma to which most American Indians in the SE were forced to move in the 1830's
Bureau of Indian Affairs Government agency created in the 1800's to oversee federal policy toward American Indians
Trail of Tears an 800 mile forced march made by the Cherokee Indians from their homeland in Georgia to the Indian Territory; resulted in the deaths of thousands of Cherokee
Hudson River School group of American artists in the mid-1800's whose pictures focused on the American landscape
Created by: msjonesbss
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