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US History

West + Industrialization

Homestead Act (1862) $10 plots of land in the west to encourage settlement
Transcontinental Railroad Built in 1869, land granted by government to develop the RR and encourage western settlement
Dawes Act dissolved Native tribes, gaves Native families land, and attempted to modernize them
Corporations sold shares or stocks to raise capital for the business, shareholder split the profits and the risk
Vigilance Committee self appointed volunteers who would track down and punish wrongdoers
Open Range a vast area of grassland owned by the federal government
Long Drive the transportation of livestock to the east to sell
Haciendas huge ranches that covered thousands of acres
Barrios Hispanic neighborhoods
Henry Comstock miner who found the "Comstock Lode" in Virginia city, not knowing that he was mining silver ore
Boomtowns towns created around mines which were quickly populated when minerals were near
Sodbuster people who plowed the Plains
Bonanza Farms large farms that yield big profits with the help of machinery and laborers
Annuity annual payments from the government
Sand and Creek Massacre a bloody battle between the Natives and Americans, events unclear
Indian Peace Commission proposed creating two large reservations in the Plains for the Sioux and southern Natives
Corliss Steam Engine a machine that boils water to produces steam to power over 8,000 machines at once
Light Bulb created by Thomas Edison, light is produced from a glowing filament
Phonograph created by Thomas Edison, allowed sound to be played back from recordings in one's home
Telegraph invented by Samuel Morse, emitted small beeps which stood for letters and words
Model T Ford invented by Henry Ford, automobile
Andrew Carnegie entered the steel industry during the RR boom and utilized vertical integration
John D. Rockefeller started Standard Oil Company, disliked competition, eliminated competition through horizontal integration
Vertical Integration purchasing companies necessary to make your product
Horizontal Integration taking over your competitors to eliminate competition
JP Morgan trained banker, made money through loans, bought Carnegie Steel
Laissez-Faire policy adopted by Americans supporting that the government shouldn't involve themselves in business affairs, hands off
Social Darwinism the belief that it was only natural that weak companies fail while strong ones thrive
Old Immigration took place between 1800 and 1880, most immigrants came from northwestern Europe
New Immigrantion took place after 1880, most immigrants came from southern and eastern Europe
Created by: MadisonFoleyReis
Popular U.S. History sets




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