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real final review


Comte father of sociology
Spencer survival of the fittest // social darwinism
Marx all issues are related to class conflict // bourgeoisie & proletariat
Durkheim social integration related to suicide rates
Weber religion was root of society // protestant work ethic
WEB DuBois race was core of society // founded NAACP
Martineau believed sociology should help society // focus was on social and economic equality
latent dysfunction unintended and didn't help
What is the term Comte came up with to apply the scientific method to study? positivism
This theory uses power and struggles to understand society conflict theory
Which theory explains that mostly everything is socially constructed? symbolic interactionism
3 ways sociology was developed as a science scientific method, imperialism, industrial revolution
anthropology science dealing with the origin, races, customs, tools, and beliefs of humankind
What is Functional Analysis? society has interrelated parts that work together to form a sense of equilibrium
definition of culture? the language, beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and objects that are passed down from one generation to the next
what is a culture war? and an example battle between ideas - abortion
example of non-material vs. material culture of amish material: clothing, beards, horse & buggy non-material: horse & buggy symbolizes to be slower in life and think about more important things
culture shock the FEELING of disorientation experiences when one comes in contact with something outside of their culture
ethnocentric using your own culture as a way to judge - usually negative
cultural relativism the attempt to understand another culture // adjust lens & have tolerance
values standards by which people define what is good vs. bad
norms expectations/rules of behavior that reflect and enforce values
mores (actions) norms that are strictly enforced bc they are thought to be core-values and good for the well-being of the group // ex. murder & rape
taboo (reactions) norms so strong that they cause a negative response // ex. eating human flesh
folkways norms that aren't strictly enforced
positive sanctions expresses approval for following norms // ex. prize, smiles, trophy
negative sanctions disapproval for breaking norms // ex. mean gestures, getting fired, cussing at you
real culture is... the norms that people can actually attain
ideal culture is... norms that people work to achieve but not always possible
what does using values as blinders mean? not being able to see why someone else isn't able to live by society's norms and expectation
subculture a group who has values that differ from a larger society, but NOT drastically
counterculture a group whose beliefs,values, and related behaviors place its members in opposition to the broader culture
degradation ceremony public shaming or stripping away of what makes us individuals
total institution places that people are cut off from the rest of society and are controlled by others
resocialization the process of learning new norms
life course the socialization we go through from birth to death
sandwich generation 50s-60s people where their kids are out of college and taking care of old parents
Mead argued that the most important thing to developing the self was what? play
The Skeels and Dye experiment revealed that love, support, and stimulation can do what; even for the mentally disabled? increase intelligence/success
What is gender socialization? behaviors and attitudes that society considers proper for males vs. females - society creates what is socially acceptable
Who are the 1st to introduce us to blatant and subliminal messages about gender? parents and family
What did Cooley believe regarding how the sense of self is created? by observing and reacting to how you believe others feel about you
Freud argued that what was the balancing force to a personality? ego
what is anticipatory socialization? preparing for a role before taking it
what three things does the looking glass self include? imagining others, interpreting, developing
id inborn drives that cause us to seek self-gratification // ex. attention, food
super ego culture with us - conscience // feelings of guilt, pride, shame
Viewing deviance as an issue that should be diagnosed and medicated, is known as what? the medicalization of deviance
recidivism prisoners that are put back into jail after being released
what is deviance violations of social norms
what does it mean to say that deviance is relative? depends on social location/socialization
conflict perspective on deviance deviance exists because of power struggles // upper class makes laws to keep lower classes mad at each other and not upper
labeling theory on deviance labels have power because we react to them // everything are/is symbols
control theory the idea that our inner and outer controls help us make choices
differential association theory that believes someone who is brought up in a deviant household, that they are more likely to deviate too
Szasz argues that mental illnesses are... problem behaviors
functionalist perspective on deviance deviance serves a purpose - clarifies norms, makes people unite to help stop deviance, creates change
strain theory & 4 list 4 paths everyone feels pressure to be successful - feel the strainnn // retreatist, ritualism, innovator, rebellion
sociobiology perspective on why people deviate people are born to be more deviant
psychology perspective on why people deviate bc of their personality // subconscious drives people to deviate
sociology perspective on why people deviate deviance comes from outside experiences
ethnic work when people try to show off their ethnicity or recover it // ex. dna tests or flags
difference between prejudice and discrimination prejudice is an attitude & discrimination is unfair treatment
5 ways that dominant group forced themselves to be dominant genocide, population transfer, internal colonialism, segregation, assimilation, and multiculturalism
define what a minority group is people who are singled out for unequal treatment by members of dominant group // minorities originate with migration and expansion of political boundaries
what is a multicultural/pluralistic society dominant group encourages racial and ethnic variation - minority are able to keep their separate identities, yet participates freely in country's social institutions
Created by: beanbean4343
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