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Gov Chapter 4

Bicameral two chambers;” in a legislative body, having two houses (as in the House of Representatives and the Senate comprising the U.S. Congress).
Enumerated Powers The powers expressly given to Congress in the Constitution.
Power of the Purse The constitutional power of Congress to raise and spend money. Congress can use this as a negative or checking power over the other branches by freezing or cutting their funding.
Franking Privilege Members have the privilege to send letters to constituents and the postage would be payed for by the government
War Powers Act requires the president to consult congress within 48 hours of spending troops, must withdrawl troops within 60 days unless Congress ok's an extension
Speaker of the House tasked with a wide range of duties that give them a lot of power over the law-making process.
Minority Leader Whips Is a member of the minority party who assists the minority leader in coordinating the party caucus in its responses to legislation and other matters.
Conference Chair the highest elected officer of an organized group such as a board, a committee, or a deliberative assembly.
Select Committee created to investigate particular issues; these exsist for a defined period. (Ex. Investigation into Benghazi attack)
Ways and Means Committee the chief tax-writing committee of the United States House of Representatives. The committee has jurisdiction over all taxation, tariffs, and other revenue-raising measures, as well as several other programs.
Seventeenth Amendment this Amendment shifted the election of US senators from state legislatures to the voters at large. Senators are elected directly by the people
Expressed Powers authority specifically granted to a branch of the government in the Constitution.
Commerce Clause The clause in the Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1) that gives Congress the power to regulate all business activities that cross state lines or affect more than one state or other nations.
Impeachment Powers delegated to the House of Representatives in the constitution to charge the president or any other official with 'Treason Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors' This is the first step in the process of removing an official from office.
McCulloch v. Maryland This case demonstrated the supremacy of the national government, because the states cannot impede federal government.
Majority Leader Second in command and tracks party members' actions and preferences on a bill
President Pro Tempore serves as president of the Senate during the absence of the president; may administer the oath of office to senators and to officers and employees of the Senate.
Standing Committees permanent committees with fixed jurisdiction over an issue.
Caucuses A group of members of Congress sharing some interest or characteristic. Most are composed of members from both parties and from both houses.
Germane Amendments Changes to bills on the floor of the House that must relate directly to the bill being considered. Non-germane amendments are typically not permitted in the House.
Reapportionment Every ten years, after the census is completed each states, electoral votes may be reallocated based on the changes in population
Gibbons v. Ogden court case: Mobilized members will contact policy makers en masse and convince them that public opinions align with them; mobilization ads can inform a wide population.
Markup Sessions A session of a U.S. congressional committee at which a legislative bill is put into final form.
Advice and Consent The Senate has the sole power to review presidential appointments
Gerrymandering Political parties through their legislatures manipulate the boundaries of (an electoral constituency) to favor one party or class.
Baker v. Carr Court case that says the redistricting of state legislative districts is not a political question, and thus is justiciable by the federal courts.
Joint Committee Made up of both House & Senate members, organized to address topics of continuing importance. Can remain in place for decades.
Rules Committee reviews, adopts and schedules consideration of floor resolutions.
Discharge Petition Petition that, if signed by majority of the House of Representatives' members, will pry a bill from committee and bring it to the floor for consideration.
Sponsor of Bill Person who introduces the bill to the floor for debate and voting; usually a member of the committee that the bill comes from
Omnibus Bill a proposed law that covers a number of diverse or unrelated topics. a single document that is accepted in a single vote by a legislature but packages together several measures into one or combines diverse subjects
Pigeonhole Occurs when a committee ignores a bill and doesn't report it out. Also known as "tabling" or "death by committee." Major cause of bill death.
Shaw v. Reno Redistricting based on race must be held to a standard of strict scrutiny under the equal protection clause while bodies doing redistricting must be conscious of race to the extent that they must ensure compliance with the Voting Rights Act.
Politico Model Legislators should follow their own judgment (that is, act like a trustee) until the public becomes vocal about a particular matter, at which point they should follow the dictates of constituents
Tarrifs/Excise Tax axes paid when purchases are made on a specific good, such as gasoline.
Filibuster a member of the majority will use this to stop or slow the process of getting a bill they dislike passed
Non-germane Amendments only possible in the Senate, where amendments can be added on the floor.
Pork Barrel Spending The appropriation of government spending for projects that are intended primarily to benefit particular constituents, such as those in marginal seats or campaign contributors.
Logrolling legislator supports a proposal favored by another in return for support in his or hers
Delegate Model Legislators should adhere to the will of their constituents
Partisanship an adherent or supporter of a person, group, party, or cause, especially a person who shows a biased, emotional allegiance
Cloture A procedure for terminating debate, especially filibusters, in the Senate.
Riders a clause that is appended to a legislative bill
Earmark Funds that an appropriations bill designates for a particular purpose within a state or congressional district
Congressional Budget Office An agency of Congress that analyzes presidential budget recommendations and estimates the cost of proposed legislation.
Trustee Model Legislators should consider the will of the people but act in ways that they believe are best for the long-term interest of the nation
Redistricting Redrawing the geographic boundaries of legislative districts. This happens every ten years to ensure that districts remain roughly equal in population
Created by: ScarlettSeneca
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