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Social Studies

Social Studies Exam

What type of government does Canada have? Constitutional Monarchy
A set of rules that determines how a country is goverened is called a ______? Constitution
What is the job of the Cabinet? Advise the Prime Minister on policies and priorities for the country.
What are the Three Branches of Government in Canada? The Judicial Branch, Executive Branch, and Legislative Branch
What is the highest mountain peak in Canada? Mount Logan
What is the study of how populations change called? Demographics
How does Canada grow cultural diversity in the country? Immigration
What are people called who have fled persecution based on their race, religion, or political beliefs? Refugees
After World War 2, Canada became one of the 51 founding member countries of what organization? The United Nations
The right to drive a car comes with the ______ to obey the rules of the road. Responsibility
What are the qualities of an active citizen? Ask and edit later.
What is the highest court of appeal in Canada called? Supreme Court
What are the categories in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms? Legal Rights, Fundamental Freedoms, Democracy Rights, Mobility Rights, Language Rights, Minority Language Education Rights, Equality Rights
Describe citizenship. When a person receives rights, duties, and responsibilities as a member of a nation.
Which decision-making approach reflects a team that reaches a decision when everyone is in agreement? Consensus
What system involves no government? Anarchy
Which system of government reflects a style in which one person has all of the power with no restrictions on that power? Dictatorship
Which system of government has a king or queen that rules the country? Monarchy
Which branch of the Canadian government enforces the laws that are created? Judicial Branch
Which branch of the Canadian government makes the decisions and also rules according to the laws? Executive Branch
Which branch of the Canadian government actually makes the laws? Legislative Branch
Which branch of the Canadian government includes the Supreme Court and its judges? Judicial Branch
Which branch of Canadian government includes the House of Commons and the Senate? Legislate Branch
Which branch of Canadian government includes the Governor General and Prime Minister? Executive Branch
A plitical system that has more than one level of government is called _______? Federalism
Mary Simon plays which role in the Canadian government? Governor General
Where is Justin Trudeau's office? Ottawa, Ontario
What are the federal government's repsonsibilities? taxes, postal services, Immigration and citizenship, laws, defence, currency
What are provincial government responsibilities? education, healthcare, tourism, social services, provincial parks, provincial police, birth and death certificates
What are municipal government responsibilities? parks and recreation, fire department, police, libraries, garbage and recycling
Created by: yen.
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