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Term | Definition |
Bhramari | bumble bee breath, close senses and hum |
Ashwini Mudra | anal sphincter contraction and release, sending waves of energy up through the swadhisthana chakra |
Jal Neti | water sinus cleansing |
Sutra Neti | string sinus cleansing |
Agnisara Kriya | heat increase, breath out and hold while moving belly in and out. |
Bhramari pranayama | bumble bee sound |
Shanmukhi mudra | index on eyebrows, middle on eyes, ring beside nose, pinkie beside mouth |
Khecari mudra | tongue folded back toward the throat |
Bandhas | locks |
Kumbhaka | breath retention |
Bahya Kumbhaka | retention, empty |
Rechaka | exhalation |
Puraka | inhalation |
Antara Kumbhaka | retention, full |
Mula Bandha | root chakra contraction |
Jalanddhara Bandha | throat chakra contraction, chin to chest |
Nadi Shodhana | alternate breathing |
Ujjayi | ocean breath, slightly contract inner throat muscles to create wave sounds |
Shiitali Kumbhaka | cooling breath, fold tongue, breathe through tunnel |
Bhastrika | stimulating breath, rapid inhale one nostril at a time |
Surya Bhedana | solar breath, inhale right, exhale left (6-10 cycles) |
Chandra Bhedana | lunar breath, inhale left, exhale right (6-10 cycles) |
Uddiyana Bandha | navel chakra contraction |
Chaturtha Pranayama | fourth, inner O with inhale, pulling breath through root to crown, inner M with exhale, pulling breath through crown to root. |
Muladhara | root chakra |
Svadhisthana | navel chakra |
Manipura | solar plexus chakra |
Anahata | hearth chakra |
Vishuddha | throat chakra |
Ajna | brow chakra |
Sahasrara | crown chakra |
Sahjoli Mudra | female- pelvic floor retention, heel at pubic bone, mantra svadhisthana, gradually increase length of retention |
Maha Bandha | great lock, all 3 locks together, chin, navel, root |
Utthanpadasana | stretched leg pose, one at a time, heel under perineum, reaching for toes of outstretched leg, nose to knee |
Vajroli Mudra | male- pelvic floor retention, heel at pubic bone, mantra svadhisthana, gradually increase length of retention |
Viparetta Karni | hands supporting hips in shoulder stand |
Padmasana | lotus pose |
Moorcha | lotus pose, arms straight, hands on knees, khecari mudra, middle bandha, inhale lifting chin to sky, exhale dropping chin to chest, hold empty |
Chakra Anushandhan | 2nd kriya of kundalini yoga, inhale to root, naming each chakra silently on descent, exhale |
Nada Anushandhan | inhale, exhale chant muladahara 3x, slowly inhale, namin each chakra ascending to top, tilt chin up and hold. Exhale "OM" naming each chakra descending silently |
Tadan Kriya | padmasana, gazing at your brow chakra with eyes slightly closed, chin tilted up slightly, inhale through mouth down middle channel to root, once full, place hands on floor to lift body up and down 3x, slowly exhale |
Sambhavi | gazing at your brow chakra with eyes slightly closed, chin tilted up slightly |
Pawan Sanchalana | 4th Kriya; Khecari mudra with hand mudra (any), awareness to root, chant 3x muladhara to begin, repeat on inhale, naming each up the front channel, tilt chin up at top 2, hold at 6th chakra, chant bindu (ajna) 3x, chant awarohan 1x, back down with exhale |
4th Kriya | Pawan Sanchalana - 3x |
Arohan Passageway | front chakra channel |
Awarohan Passageway | back chakra channel |
Shakti Chalini - 5x | connection of thought force; sit sadasana, hands on knees, eyes closed, khecari mudra, exhale, aware mulahara, pull inhale up to 6th, shanmukhi mudra, hold & see snake in loop, connects at anja, watch snake move, slow ujjayi exhale down chakras on release |
Agnisar Kriya - Breath of Fire | sit vajrasana, wide knees, arms straight, hands on knees, tongue out pant, pull in belly 25-30x min |
Uddiyan Bandha | sit vajrasana, hands on knees, straight elbow, pull in belly under ribs with exhale, hold as long as possible. Slowly release lock first then inhale. |