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Yoga Terminology

The 8 Limb Path of Yoga; Sutras

Name the 8 Limbs of Yoga 1. Yamas (5 moral restraints) 2. Niyamas (5 observances) 3. Asana (postures) 4. Pranayama (mindful breathing) 5. Pratyahara (turning inward) 6. Dharana (concentration) 7. Dhyana (meditation) 8. Samadhi (union of self with object of meditation)
Define Yamas and list them The 5 moral restraints: 1. Ahimsa - nonviolence 2. Satya - truthfulness 3. Asteya - nonstealing 4. Brahmacarya - moderation 5. Aparigraha - non hoarding
Define Niyamas and list them The 5 Observances: 1. Sauca - purity 2. Santosa - contentment 3. Tapas - zeal, austerity (building up heat, showing up) 4. Svadhyaya - self-study 5. Isvara-pranidhana - devotion to a higher power (we are part of something bigger than ourselves)
Name the 2 Aspects of Spiritual Practice 1. Abhyasa - practice 2. Vairagya - renunication
Name the 4 Aims of Life 1. Dharma - observation of spiritual discipline 2. Artha - creation of a balanced life 3. Kama - enjoyment of the fruits of one's labors 4. Mocks - liberation
Name the 5 Afflictions 1. Avidya - spiritual ignorance 2. Asmita - pride 3. Raga - desire 4. Dvesa - aversion 5. Abhinivesa - fear of death
Name the 5 Koshas 1. Annamaya kosha (physical) 2. Pranamaya kosha (energy) 3. Manamaya kosha (mental) 4. Vijnanamaya kosha (wisdome) 5. Anandamaya kosha (bliss) 6. Atman (self, light)
What is the literal meaning of "kosha?" Sheath
Translate Annamaya kosha Physical sheath; "anna" = food; outermost sheath. The asana practice addresses the physical so we can move past it
Translate Pranamaya kosha Energy sheath; "prana" = energy; breath/energy helps bring life to the physical body; we engage with breath so that we can move past it and move inward
Translate Manamaya kosha Mental sheath; "Mana" = mind; level of processing thought and emotions
Translate Vijnanamaya kosha Wisdom sheath; "vijnana" = knowing; the level of ego consciousness
Translate Anandamaya kosha Bliss sheath; "ananda" = bliss; peace, joy, love that is underneath/beyond the mind; simply being
Translate Atman kosha Self sheath; "atman" = self; the light itself that shines through all the koshas
Define Kriya activity of purification of the mucous membranes; the art of cleansingthebody inside and outside
Name the 6 main kriyas (shat karma) 1. Kapalabhati 2. Trataka 3. Nauli 4. Neti 5. Dhauti 6. Basti
Explain Kapalabhati kriya cleansing of the brain and lungs; also a pranayama
Explain Trataka kriya cleansing and training of the eyes to improve vision
Explain Nauli kriya cleansing of intestinal and abdominal organs through massaging
Explain Neti kriya washing the nostrils and maxillary sinus with water/special medical hose
Explain Dhauti kriya washing the esophagus and stomach with water or gauze
Explain Basti kriya cleansing of the rectum and colon with water
Name the 8 styles of yoga and the translations 1. Asana (posture) 2. Raja (king) 3. Bhakti (devotion) 4. Karma (action) 5. Jnana (wisdom) 6. Laya (same as Kundalini) 7. Mantra (chanting) 8. Tantra (love and joy)
The founder of Ashtanga yoga J. Pattabhi Jois
The founder of Iyengar yoga BKS Iyengar
The founder of Viniyoga TKV Desikachar
Identify Tirumalai Krishnamacharya One of the most influential yogis in the Hatha yoga tradition;, teacher to Jois, Iyengar, Desikachar, Devi; adapted postures to each student's capacity
Created by: edithgoody
Popular Sanskrit sets




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