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baddha bind
sutra lesson, task
sanga community of like minded individuals
yamas the 5 moral restraints; ahimsa, satya, asteya, brahmacarya, aparigraha
niyamas the 5 observances; Sauca, santosa, tapas, svadhyaya, isvara pranidhana
asana posture
pranayama mindful breathing
pratyahara turning inward
Dharana concentration
Dhyana meditation
samadhi Union of the self with the object of meditation
sauca purity
santosa contentment
tapas zeal, austerity
svadhyaya self-study
isvara pranidhana devotion to a higher power
ahimsa non-violence
satya truthfulness
asteya non-stealing
brahmacarya moderation
aparigraha non-hoarding
anga limb
angustha big toe, thumb
bhuja arm
ganda cheek, side of the face
garbha womb
hanu jaw
hasta hand
janu knee
karna ear
mukha face, mouth
pada foot, leg
sirsa head
adho downward
parvrtta revolved
parsva side
pascima back, behind, west
prasarita spread
purva front, east
sthiti stand
supta supine
upa vista seated
urdhva upward
utthita extended
viparita inverted
avidya ignorance, lack of knowledge
dvesa aversion, dislike
abhinivesa will to survive, fear of death
Brahman energy of creation
Buddha awakened one
Ganesa elephant headed son of Shiva, scribe of the Mahabharata, remover of obstacles
Hanuman energy of service, monkey deity servant of Rama
Patanjali Author of the Yoga Sutras
Krishna Incarnation of Vishnu
Shiva energy of destruction and transformation
Vishnu Energy of preservation and maintenance
Vyasa author of the Mahabharata
Anjali-mudra Prayer gesture, palms together, fingertips facing upwards
Cin-mudra "Consciousness gesture", palms down, index fingertip and thumb tip touch
Dhyana-mudra "Meditation gesture", both palms facing upwards, on lap, right hand on left, fingers fully stretched
Jnana-mudras "knowledge gesture", palms up, index finger tip and thumb tip touch
eka one
dvi two
dhauti swallowing cloth to clean stomach
basti ayurvedic enema
neti nasal/sinus cleansing
trataka concentrated gazing
nauli abdominal massage
kapalabhati skull-cleansing/respiratory cleansing
Bhagavad Gita Conversation between Krishna (God) and Arjuna (human), "Divine song"
Mahabharata epic story containing the Bhagavad Gita, "Great India"
Veda wisdom
Upanishads 13 most common ancient texts from the Vedas
vedas the original sanskrit texts, forming the foundation of Indian philosophy and yoga.
abhyasa practice, focus
agni fire principle
ananda joyfulness
astanga eight limbs
atman soul, self
ayurveda science of longevity
baddha bound
bhakti devotion
Bhavana intention, attitude
bhuta element
chakra energy center
chandra moon
cikitsa treatment, therapy
cit pure consciousness
danda staff
deva god, male
devi goddess
dhanur bow
dharma religion, law, duty
drsti view, gaze point
duhkha pain, suffering
guru teacher
guna attribute, quality
hatha sun and moon
ida left nadi
ghana knowledge
karma action, past as well
karuna compassion
kirtana telling, praising
klesa affliction
kona triangle
kriya cleansing
kundalini energy which moves up the body through susumna
mala garland
mandala circle
mantra chant
moksa liberation
mudra gesture
mula root foundation
nadi channel energy travels through
namaskara respectful greeting
nidra deep dreamless sleep
nirvana extinguishing, liberated from existence
ojas strength of prana, subtle energy/immunals
padma lotus
pingala right nadi
prana breath, energy
pranayama breath regulation
Created by: KellyClark
Popular Sanskrit sets




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