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US in World War 1

world war 1 flashcards for social studies

Henry Cabot Lodge leading opponent of the United States becoming involved in the League of Nations
Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated by a Serb national in Sarajevo
Selective Service Act allowed national government to draft men to serve in war
Neutrality policy of not taking sides in the conflict in Europe
League of Nations international peace-keeping organization that was the dream of Woodrow Wilson
U-Boat German Submarines
Treaty of Versailles ended WW1 with provisions that were considered very harsh on Germany and other defeated countries
Reparations provision of the Versailles Treaty which made Germany pay for damages caused during the war
Zimmerman Telegraph secret message for German foreign Minister to Mexico, promising to return lost territories to Mexico in exchange for alliance
Espionage Act of 1917 made it a crime to criticize American involvement in European Conflict
Woodrow Wilson Attempted to remain neutral, but eventually he was forced to ask congress for declaration of war on Europe (president during WW1)
Schneck vs US Supreme Court ruling limiting free speech when it poses a "clear and present danger"
Lusitania British passenger ship was sunk by German submarine killing over 1000 people including 128 Americans
Fourteen Points proposed by Wilson before the end of WW1 as the basis for the peace in Europe include a plan for the League of Nations
Isolationism policy after WW1 of separating from affairs of other countries and turning their backs to Europe
Causes of WW1 nationalism, militarism, alliances and imperialism
Central Powers Austria-Hungry, Germany and Ottoman Empire
Allied Power France, Great Britain, Russia and later, United States
New Weapon in WW1 machine guns, u-boats and mustard gas
Role of Women during WW1 joined the air force because men were getting drafted. they tried to gain support for women's right to vote
Great Migration African Americans moved to the North from the South
Liberty Bonds it was geared to finance the war (victory loans)
Victory Gardens Americans had to cut back on food to help the war effort (feeding the allies forces)
Created by: carathecricket
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