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US History S1 Final

Mayflower Compact 1620 self-govern
"City Upon a Hill" 1630 John Winthrop; example for ppl watching
Declaration of Independence 1774 Thomas Jefferson; no tax without rep
US Constitution 1789 popular sovereignty; limited gov; separation of power; federalism; checks and balances; individual rights
"Democracy in America" 1840 Alexis de Tocqueville; amazed by equality; democracy is wave of future
Manifest Destiny 1845 John L. O'Sullivan; god given inevitable expansion east-> west
Gettysburg Address 1863 honor fallen soldiers; promise of equality; union worth fighting for
Imperialism 1899 Teddy Roosevelt; "speak softly + carry big stick"; trust buster
"Safe for Democracy” 1917 Woodrow Wilson; before entering WW1
"Rugged Individualism” 1928 self-reliance; Hoover
FDR’s Inaugural Speech 1933 “Only thing to fear is fear itself”; offered hope
FDR’s Four Freedoms 1941 freedom of speech, religion, from want, fear
JFK’s Inaugural Speech 1961 Make america a place where all ppl feel safe, fight for what you want, uniting all Americans
MLK's “I Have a Dream” 1963 wanting change; unite america, blacks get same freedom/equality/opp. as whites
Ronald Reagan 1980 New patriotism, "city upon hill" ref, lose American mem->lose american spirit
Barack Obama (American Exceptionalism) 2009 Rebuild, Unite, Get through crisis, Manifest Destiny reference, Call for Action
Connecticut Compromise Rodger Sherman, created house of representatives and senate
Presidential qualifications Natural born citizens, 35 year +, resident of country for 14 yrs
Presidential powers Ordinance power (executive orders), Diplomatic powers, Military powers, Legislative powers, Judicial powers
Roles of president chief of state; executive; diplomat; commander in chief; chief legislator; party chief; chief guardian of economy
Presidential Cabinet Jefferson/Hamiltion disagreed (political parties formed); Andrew Jackson (fam/friends cabinet); Lincoln (cabinet opposed him); Kennedy (attention to bro, AG)
Bureaucracy Complex structure of offices, tasks, rules, and principles of org that employ large institutions; efficient; ppl believe inefficient/slow
Departments Homeland security; veterans affairs; education; energy; transportation; housing/urban; health/human services; labor; commerce; agriculture; interior; justice; defense; treasury; state
Electoral College 270 votes; voters vote for electors in electoral college; electors can vote against pop vote; if tie, house decides
Significant Presidential Policies Truman (contain/Fair Deal); Eisenhower (MAD/modern republicanism); Kennedy (contain/space race); Johnson (contain/great society); Reagan (contain/Reaganomics); Obama (war on terrorism)
Presidential Scandals Grant (Crédit Mobilier & Whiskey Ring); Harding (teapot dome); Nixon (Watergate- breaking/entering into opponents campaign); Reagan (Iran-Contra Affair); Clinton (Whitewater & Monica Lewinski)
Executive Orders Something president can do without permission
Identify key presidential decisions Truman (NATO/atomic bombs on Japan); Eisenhower (Y2 spy plane/tv into conferences); Kennedy (Bay of pigs/Cuban missile/lowered taxes); Johnson (Vietnam war/expanded New Deal); Reagan (end of cold war/berlin wall fall); Obama (killed Al Qaeda/Obamacare)
Basis of American foreign policy State Dept; Plans/actions taken in aspect of relationships w/other countries; ambassadors; special diplomats; passports, visas
Policy changed from isolationism to interventionist Isolationism (stay out of wars) Interventionist (wanted to protect world from communist takeover/democracy spreads over world)
Spanish-American war annex texas; Treaty Guadalupe Hidalgo (Texas, New Mexico, Cali)
WWI (1917-1917) Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand; MAIN; Zimmerman note; German submarine warfare; Treaty of Versailles; League of Nations (didn"t join)
WWII (1941-1945) Pearl Harbor; atomic bomb of Japan; Japan surrenders
Cold War (1949- 1991) Iron Curtain; truman Doctrine; marshall plan; NATO treaty/Warsaw Pact; US vs USSR; space race
Korean War (1950-1953) North Korea (communist) vs South (capitalist); US almost helped win but China joined NK
Vietnam War (1955-1973) North vs South Vietnam; Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia; NV agreed to Armistice not wanting to have America release its military power
Persian Gulf War (1991-1991) US 1st high tech war; liberate Kuwait when S Hussein invaded to access oil resources
Wars in Afghanistan & Iraq A (2001-2014)-US invasion to remove Taliban from power/dismantle Al-Qaeda; Iraq (2003-2011)- US invasion to remove S. Hussein/est democrat gov
Cuban Missile Crisis Soviet Union secretly put missiles in Cuba to attack the US; brought them to war before an agreement was reached
Iran-Contra Scandal Reagan approved sale of arms to Iran in exchange for release of hostages; sent profits to Contras in Nicaragua
End of Cold War Iron Curtain lifted; Berlin Wall fell; free elections ousted Communist leaders; Soviet Union dissolved
What influences help formed the American economic system Consumers, businesses, and government
Colonial economy Charter Co. (og owned by English businessmen); investors turned the companies over to colonists; colonists began building up the colonies using charter companies and natural resources; created national bank; invisible hand; free market; golden rule
Constitutional aspects that create our economic system Commerce ; coinage; copyright; contract; export; search/seizures clause; due process; reserved rights/powers
Economic causes of the Civil War South believed in slavery; North was against it; the North and South disagreed abt tariffs
Roaring 20s Installment plans/credit; ppl wanted to spend money after war; mass production/high demands
Causes of the Great Depression stock market crash (too many Americans invested); people trying to take money out of banks; banks running out of money; unemployment increased; Ppl buying on margin
New Deal Programs Roosevelt (first 100 days); relief, recovery, reform; banks Holiday; FDIC- Glass-Steagall act; Federal Securities; AAA (agricultural); TVA (tennessee valley); 2nd (2nd 100 days); WPA; NYA; Wagner Act; Fair Labor Standards; Social Security Act
Arsenal of Democracy "arsenal for democracy" (FDR); Land, Labor, Capital resources (LLC); Scarcity; trade-off; opportunity cost; propaganda
Cold War Economics high inflation; space race
Reaganomics Cut taxes/spending; create jobs; increase defense spending; balancing federal budget; reducing government regulation/size of government; constricting the money supply to reduce inflation; supply-side economics
2008 Housing Crisis Housing market declined by 20%; low-interest rates pushed prices up; banks lowered loan standards/new types of mortgages; over-speculation -> pushed prices above sustainable levels (homes lost value)
Created by: adeach
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