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Chapter 16 Review

Written Questions

What were the major causes of American industrial growth during the Gilded Age? Immigration, innovative spirit, new sources of power, sympathetic government.
How did the great numbers of immigrants during the Gilded Age help increase expansion of American industry? Increased products and workforce.
Who were the "robber barons"? Aggressive cost efficient businessmen.
Who were the muckrackers? Journalists who attacked successful industrialists.
Why did Rockefeller choose to invest in oil refining? Refining was a safe investment.
What company set up the first major trust that inspired other companies to do the same thing? Standard Oil (Exxon)
How did tobacco and textiles help build the South? Matched the north's economic and industrial capacity.
How did industrialization allow middle-class Americans to afford high-quality, stylish clothing? By raising the standard of living.
Why was Bell's achievement in communication during the Gilded Age so important? It was the most significant communication.
What president was assassinated in 1881? Why? Garfield. He was shot by a disgruntled stalwart who wanted Arthur to be president.
How did the Civil Service Commission stop the abuses of the spoils system? Passed the Pendelton act, established rules for employers, CSC appointed.
Why did so many Americans favor the federal regulation of the railroads? Cheaper for consumers shipping goods.
Why did government pass the Interstate Commerce Act? To control the railroads.
What was the Sherman Antitrust Act? Stopped monopolies.
What was the name of America's first important labor union? Knights of Labor
What is the lock-out method of striking? To lock out the striking employees.
How did the use of an injunction help the strike issue? Court order forbidding an action.
What is socialism? Government ownership/regulation of the means of production.
What was the goal of the Grange during the 1870's? State regulation of railroads.
Who was Charles Darwin? Invented the theory of evolution by natural selection.
What was the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling in the Supreme Court? Decreed separate but equal facilities for whites and blacks.
What was the major elements of American society during the Gilded Age? Urbanization, new immigration, materialism.
Why did materialism become so popular in America during the late 1800's? America was a consumer society in which people associated with each owner based on what they owned.
Created by: maa88
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