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APUSH Final #1

Jamestown The first permanent English settlement in North America
What were the conditions in Jamestown? Very bad, miserable
What was the result of Bacon's Rebellion? Planters looked for less troublesome workers
What caused hardships for Native Americans with exploration? Disease
What was the main money-maker in the Colonies Agriculture
Virtual Representation British parliament represented the British colonies in the New World
Richard Henry Lee Proposed that we declare our independence
What happened at the battle of saratoga that was significant to the war? Turning point of the war, France comes to aid America
Electoral College Votes for the president and vp
John Marshall Supreme Court Justice who laid the foundation for the Supreme courts role in judicial review
What was a result of the Battle of Fort McHenry The Star Spangled Banner
Missouri Compromise Line North of the line is free except Missouri
Samuel Slater Father of the Factory System
Horace Mann Fought for tax-supported public education and teacher salary
Edgar Allen Poe Sad, depressing, lonely genre
What was the problem with Texas annexation? Texas wanted to become a slave state but it would throw off the balance
life in the jamestown very bad, lots of labor, food was scarce
Ohio River Valley The land area that caused a clash between Great Britain and France for control in the United States
Why was capturing fort Ticonderoga so important? The US gained lots of gunpowder and artillery
Why was the election of 1800 so important? The peaceful transfer of power
James Madison Father of the Consititution
3/5 Compromise Settled at the Constitutional convention
Washington's Cabinet Jefferson-SOS Hamilton-SOT Knox-SOW
Alexander Hamilton's stand on the Bank Said it wasn't unconstitutional because of implied powers/loose interpretation
Alien and Sedition Acts ????
Why did Jefferson send delegates to France? To purchase New Orleans
Biggest British defeat Battle of New Orleans
Spoils System Rewarding political supporters with public office
What did Jackson want to do with the Indians? Wanted them West of the Mississippi (Indian Removal Act)
Cult of Domesticity Glorified the traditional role of women as homemakers
Dorothea Dix Asylums
Why did Tyler become a Whig? He hated Jackson
Manifest Destiny Thought that it was a God given right that America spread from sea to shining sea
What impact did the French and Indian War have on Britain? Britain became the most powerful in North America
What did Shay's rebellion prove? The Articles of Confederation needed to be revised
Headright system A laborer received the right to acquire 50 acres of land
Proclamation of 1763 Prohibited settlement in the area beyond the Appalachians
What happened at the Second Continental Congress? Establishment of the Continental Army
What happens if there is no majority in the Electoral College? The election gets sent to the House
What was the main industry in the New England Colonies? Shipmaking and commerce
Why was the first continental congress held? to address colonial grievances
Why did we create the Declaration of Independence? To tell Britain we wanted to be free
What was the big issue in the Great Compromise? Representation
Where does the government get power from? The people
Corrupt bargain Adams would name Clay the SOS if Clay convinced the House to vote for him
Samuel Morse Inventor of the telegraph
What was the primary economic of New France? Fur trade/trapping
Why was the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions signed? in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts
Created by: auweb921
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